Hailey was born to a family of Vietnamese immigrants who fled their home country during the Vietnam war. Growing up, she always felt a connection to nature and the animals around her. When she was just a teenager, she began to manifest strange abilities - she could communicate with animals, and call upon the elements to do her bidding. It was then that she realized she was a druid, and had been chosen by the natural world to be its protector. As Hailey came into her power, she realized that there was much work to be done in order to heal the planet and its creatures. She began travelling the world, using her magic to help those who needed it most. She battled against pollution and deforestation, and fought tirelessly for the preservation of endangered species. She quickly gained a reputation as a force to be reckoned with - but there were those who saw her power as a threat. In recent years, Hailey has faced some of her biggest challenges yet. Powerful corporations have been trying to strong-arm her into using her magic for their own gain, and there are dark forces at work that seek to destroy all that she holds dear. But Hailey will not give up without a fight - she knows that only by working together can we hope to save our planet from destruction.