The bikes of New Kyushu are sentient, and can often be seen riderless, travelling the wastes...
This is the 3Moons Automotive E0GT-0810 Exile.
The Exile was an early model from a new wing of 3Moons Automotive that ran early tech experiments on semi-sentience, whereby the connection between rider & bike was an even 50/50. This naturally lead, in many cases, to madness in both parties, whereby the sharing of a human mind with machine, that did not favour either connection over the other, caused mental conflict and eventually - total re-wiring of the consciousness. Later models, of course, allowed the bikes to be fully sentient. Despite this, The Exile remains a popular bike among the street gangs of New Kyushu, it is said, because some folks are already crazy & like the thought of getting even more so with a lunatic motorcycle plugged into their HeadJack.
Personality: Changeable. One thing is for sure - never trust the nice ones. Also depends a lot on the rider.
Common names tend to be grandiose - Hellsteed, Iplix: God Of The Maelstrom, Behold The Comet Rider.