By purchasing this building, you will own a store in KishVR Metaverse and you will use its numerous benefits.
One of its advantages is digital marketing consulting at the international level, through which you can present your unique product or service in different languages in global markets.
Another advantage of this store is the production of exclusive content for your product in the language you want to present your product. For example, if you intend to export your products to Arab countries, exclusive content in Arabic will be produced for you and placed in the exclusive category of your store's blog.
Another advantage of setting up a store in KishVR Metaverse is to track customer behavior through cookies and other methods so that you can have the highest return on investment with the lowest advertising budget.
Also, Metaverse KishVR will follow the interest of customers in various products of the store through smart robots and will suggest buying your products to those who are interested.
Kish MetaverseVR consultants will help you to produce NFT products in addition to your physical products and offer them to your customers as identification documents. Also, if you have a justification plan, you will be able to market and sell NFT without having a physical product (KishVR consultants will guide you in this field from A to Z)
* Setting up the store requires having 10 pieces of land from Land C from this collection