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* @title Deposit v2 👼🏻
* @author Kiru
* @notice Deposit v2
* increased burn rate, better price action
//////////////////////// Interfaces //////////////////////////
interface IKiru {
function deposit(uint) external payable;
function transfer(address, uint) external;
function getState() external view returns (uint, uint, uint);
function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint);
contract Deposit2 {
/////////////////////////// State ////////////////////////////
address public constant KIRU = 0xe04d4E49Fd4BCBcE2784cca8B80CFb35A4C01da2;
address public constant TREASURY = 0x2d69b5b0C06f5C0b14d11D9bc7e622AC5316c018;
uint beta;
//////////////////////// Constructor /////////////////////////
constructor(uint _beta) {
beta = _beta;
//////////////////////////// Buy /////////////////////////////
* @notice Deposit ETH into the pool and receive KIRU
* @dev Aggressive skewness and burn rate
* Part of the deposit is collected to be reinjected into
* the pool to increase the reserves ratio.
* Part of the amount received is burned to decrease the
* circulating supply.
* @param outMin The minimum amount of KIRU received from the
* Kiru contract.
function deposit(uint outMin) external payable {
* compute Δin, the value to inject into the pool
uint deltaIn = msg.value / beta;
* inject Δin into the pool before the deposit
(bool success,) = KIRU.call{value: deltaIn}("");
require(success, "!success");
uint kiruBalanceBefore = IKiru(KIRU).balanceOf(address(this));
* deposit the remaining ETH into the pool
IKiru(KIRU).deposit{value: msg.value - deltaIn}(outMin);
* retrieve the KIRU amount received
uint out = IKiru(KIRU).balanceOf(address(this)) - kiruBalanceBefore;
* compute the KIRU amount to burn
uint deltaOut = out / beta;
* burn KIRU
IKiru(KIRU).transfer(address(0), deltaOut);
* send KIRU to the caller
IKiru(KIRU).transfer(msg.sender, out - deltaOut);
////////////////////////// Quote /////////////////////////////
* @notice Computes the amount of KIRU received for a given amount of ETH deposited
* given the current market reserves.
* @param value The amount of ETH to deposit.
* @return The amount of KIRU received.
function quoteDeposit(uint value) public view returns (uint) {
(uint r0, uint r1, uint alpha) = IKiru(KIRU).getState();
uint deltaIn = value / beta;
uint quote = _quoteDeposit(value - deltaIn, r0 + deltaIn, r1, alpha);
uint deltaOut = quote / beta;
return quote - deltaOut;
function _quoteDeposit(uint value, uint r0, uint r1, uint alpha) internal view returns (uint) {
uint alphaR0 = alpha * r0 / 1000000;
uint alphaR1 = alpha * r1 / 1000000;
uint alphaR0Prime = alphaR0 + value;
uint alphaR1Prime = alphaR0 * alphaR1 / alphaR0Prime;
uint y = alphaR1 - alphaR1Prime;
return y;
/////////////////////////// Beta /////////////////////////////
function setBeta(uint _beta) external {
require(msg.sender == TREASURY, "!treasury");
beta = _beta;
"compilationTarget": {
"src/Deposit2.sol": "Deposit2"
"evmVersion": "paris",
"libraries": {},
"metadata": {
"bytecodeHash": "ipfs"
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 100000000
"remappings": [
"viaIR": true