### Overview
“Figment” is a short film Rob created to demonstrate that it only takes a couple of characters to set our imaginations on fire. In that short, he brought us into the world of a young boy named Henry and his monster-friend Thrash.In this room, we’re going to be developing another character from the short: Pig the Cat.
Henry’s pet is a multidimensional, multitemporal spirit-being.
We know them as cats.
This specific cat is known as Pig The Cat.
A more accurate name would be Pigment The Demi-God. But she lets it slide for now. She’s playing a role.
Pigment has eight other lives that she can tap into while she sleeps. From her perspective, the nine timelines of her lives are unfolding concurrently. From the perspective of humans, some of her lives occurred long ago and others take place in ages yet to come.
Pigment and Figment are essential to one another in all of Pigment’s lifetimes.
Pigment also teleports small distances – the only prerequisites: she must be sitting inside the bounds of a small rectangle (i.e. cardboard box, mousepad, laptop) with no one looking at her.
And sure, she’s got a bunch of other slightly strange talents, but the oddest one is: she’s one of those TikTok cats that uses a system of buttons to “talk” to her owners.
For example…if Pig The Cat hits the middle button on the yellow pad near the fridge, a posh British woman’s voice will say “Good evening, love. Might I have a biscuit?”
Her humans think it's funny.
Pig The Cat doesn’t mind. It helps with her mystique.
And gets her treats.