This work, part of the series "Under Our Footsteps," delves into the ongoing narrative surrounding waste management post-consumption and the accountability of companies in the production chain. While these companies undoubtedly contribute to human progress, a pivotal question remains unanswered: how do we responsibly handle our waste? Are we witnessing an alarming trend of overconsumption, which threatens our identity as sentient beings capable of rational thought? It's imperative to emphasize the necessity for tangible, sustainable solutions rather than engaging in superficial debates and conferences devoid of meaningful action. Let's not be the generation that passes on chaos to future generations!
# [Andre Joel Ngassi]
André Joël Ngassi defines himself as a researcher of the mystery of art. His work is oriented toward a global look at the “unsanitary conditions and their mechanisms, and the relationship between humans, nature, and the Divine." Through symbolic forms, he aims to depict society’s many responsibilities, and his work often features characters wrapped in ribbons and multicolored cables, symbolizing the intricate connection between humanity and the environment. Ngassi is a graduate of the Mbalmayo Artistic Training institute in Cameroon.
Instagram: @andrejoelngassi