Atlas is a collection of interactive abstract kinetic paintings illustrating the paradoxical unity of living creatures. Beneath a dynamic but integrated whole, competing cells bubble in disquiet. As perhaps we all do.
Colour is used to represent the cellular dynamics, each piece evolving under its own laws. Cells are rendered in various palettes and several shapes - from round to square, luminous, and Escher-like. Zooming in you can see the wild nature of individual elements.
"Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself. I am large; I contain multitudes."
mouse wheel / z / x / pinch-drag - zoom
click-drag / a/w/s/d (iframe) / arrow keys (generator) - pan
double-click / spacebar -pause
f - toggle full-screen options
Append to generator links
?frm=60 to change maximum frame rate (default = 30)
?a=1.667 to fix the aspect ratio of cells
?N=512 to change the number of cells