SweetyBoohs is a collection of 10,000 uniquely generated, handcrafted NFT ghosts by Philip Belosa.
Among them, 10 are one-of-a-kind, manually mixed in with the rest.
Each ghost boasts different traits with varying rarities.
There are no preferred collectors.
Everyone has the chance from the beginning to draw a BOOH from all 10,000 BOOHs - including one of the ten super rare and carefully crafted 1-of-1 ghosts, each with its own unique name and even traits!
The SweetyBoohs are ready to haunt your NFT Nexus, with exciting utilities yet to be revealed - such as automatic whitelist placement for future collections.
Every proud owner of a 3000x3000 pixel NFT-BOOH can request the vector version of their art as .ai or .svg at
Crafted with ♥ - line by line.