aeons ago, the universe of elysia was created in a dance between a blinding, radiant light, and a hungry darkness called the wyrm. these two celestial abstractions created the holy ghost, a force of life that bore the first of the beasts and connected all life to it and to each other. the holy ghost lived through all other beings while simultaneously walking among them. it was a frequent visitor of its own creation, taking the form of a crowned deer, king of the forest, the stars, and beyond to visit the mortal realm of elysia.
the holy ghost has no agenda of its own, rather than to see life flourish and maintain the interconnectedness of all life in elysia. it balances the order and structure of the light with the abundance and chaos of the wyrm, creating something greater than the sum of its two parents. still, the wyrm takes his share, and the nature of sin and darkness is born into each living being of elysia.