The elysian desert was harsh, violently swinging between hot, windy days and cool, stormy nights. Some years after the city of Azarath had been built and trade relations with the city of Aurich, though tense, had been established, the council of Azarath set about planning a series of routes traders could take to safely travel from the wheatlands to Azarath. Since roads were nearly impossible to build in the sands, a series of shrines and shelters were built, allowing traders to rest and gather water safely along the long journey and guiding them in the direction of the city
As the prophet, the child, and the dreamer made the long journey to Azarath, they stopped at many of these small shelters. Guided by the divine sword of the angel mikael, they found a solace in knowing that this path, treacherous as it was, had been traversed by many others before them. Though they had battled demons, desert vultures, and the forces of nature themselves, they knew they were on the road to Azarath.