Oh, what a surprise. You made me smile.
You made me smile, sweetheart.
It’s been quite a while since I could smile.
This world has broken my heart.
I've "worked through my feelings,"
And tried "all the things."
I've cried in the darkness,
And hidden the pain.
I’ve felt so alone, and been so bereft.
I prayed, but thought God had left.
But you know the way to cheer me up,
And you do it so naturally.
You bring real joy, when I fear it's lost.
You’re truly a blessing to me.
A tug on my hand when I think I’m alone.
A kiss on the face brings such joy.
A hug when I need it so desperately.
A nudge to play with your toys.
You made me smile today, sweetheart.
You’re there when no one else cares.
I’ll love you forever. You’ll always be treasured.
Through you, God answered my prayer.