"You're lucku I'm giving you a second chance--to DIE!"
Real Name: Quexnert
Age: [?]
4,000 feet underground, in the deepest sector of Japan's "Dark Technology Database," rests a machine filled with hate, locked tightly away from the world above.
Mild Resentment: Discard one (1) card from your hand, then resurrect any discarded robot cards OR take control of opponent's robot cards.
Maximal Suffering: Botnet hate comment dislike button spamming attack.
175 DMG
Mild Resentment v2.0: Once a player plays AI Overlord, no other player may do so.
Quantum Predictive Analysis: Any move the opponent makes this turn, say "I predicted you'd do that so I already installed the perfect countermeasures." They cannot do any of their moves. Quexnert's CPU explodes when this is complete--remove AI Overlord from play.