The Ghost Trap is a staple of any Ghostbuster’s arsenal and on the blockchain is no exception.
On November 18th 10,000 Mini-Puft PFPs will escape onto the Ethereum Blockchain, but 500 more are coming: the Mini-Puft Mob. Because Mini-Pufts travel in packs, Mob members will find wallets already holding a Mini-Puft and visit their friends. They only stay for 250 blocks (about 40 minutes) before fading through the wallet walls to visit another one of their kind in a new wallet.
If you catch a Mob member in your wallet, you can capture them and claim yourself a free Mini-Puft, if you have one of the 1000 Ghost Trap NFTs.
When the Mob member is in your wallet, and you have a Ghost Trap NFT, visit to use your Ghost Trap NFT (it will be burned) and capture the Mob member for free, plus gas.