India was born to a small, but proud, village of barbarians in the middle of nowhere. Everyone in her village was born with a natural gift for combat and able to wield any weapon with deadly precision. India was no different. She started training with weapons as soon as she could lift them and was constantly top of her class. When she was old enough, she left her village to see the world and test her skills against other warriors. She quickly made a name for herself as one of the most skilled barbarians around. Wherever she went, people would step aside and make way for her. She relished in the attention and loved nothing more than a good fight. She became known for her ferocity in battle and unstoppable thirst for blood. India continued to travel the world, always on the lookout for a new challenge. One day, she came across a group of bandits who had been terrorizing a small town. Without hesitating, India leapt into action and fought them off single-handedly. The townspeople were so grateful that they gifted her with a large sum of money and asked her to stay and protect them from further harm. India happily agreed and settled down in the town, where she remains to this day safeguarding its citizens from anyone who would do them harm.