The Means are a ReMeme Project based on The Memes by Punk6529.
We connect The Memes with their Meaning by combining Meme art with Punk6529 quotes. In doing this, The Memes’ themes get broader, deeper meaning tied to them and we landmark what is happening in the NFT world right now. We snapshot what is being built, and combine it with the underlying how and why. We’re here to make sure it reaches as many people as possible in an easy-to-understand, clear and facilitated way.
In the future, we’ll be able to look back and see the (hi)story of how The Memes came to be, grew and bloomed to achieve the Open Metaverse mission: onboard 100 million people to NFT technology, making it global and adopted for a never-ending list of uses.
With the piece ’All SZN2 Means-in-1’, we’ve created a dynamic viewing for every SZN2 Means, from those minted to those yet to mint.
Meaning is everything. Meaning is everywhere. We want everyone to have as much access to it as possible. Together, we need to onboard 100 million people. Meaning will help get us there.