This remix is based on the theme 'The first step can be the hardest but often the most rewarding'
This statement rings true for me and has surfaced multiple times throughout my creative career. From working back in the days when print media was king, & realising I had to let go of my comfortable skillset and learn to adapt to a digital audience and workflow, taking this step was scary but it solidified my place as a creative director for one of the biggest media companies in Australia, even earning me the moniker 'Digi Dave'. Fast forward to taking the leap from directing cam ops at shoots to operating the equipment myself (most would consider this a backwards step and bad for a creative career) The new skills I was learning were difficult but lead me to the most rewarding way to create art, aerial imagery. Building my name and brand New Light Visual in the digital art and photography worlds over time was a rewarding experience, then came web 3. I postponed taking the first step into NFTs for 2 years! My brother told me all about them and I was trapped in a fear mindset and had all the excuses not to look into it and give it a try. Then came the photography bull run in early 21. I made the jump and began looking into this bizarre world and was hooked. Taking this step has given more confidence as a creative than at any time in my life before. Being told your art has value and you are appreciated for what you bring to life through hard work is the best thing that has every happened to me. I am so grateful to now have a growth mindset and will always look to stake the first steps with humility and respect for the process of beginning and growing in what I love over time.
This piece is my expression of all of the above themes. Alone standing on the shore at the dawn of an epic journey ahead, launching into the new digital age and seeing the glory unfold over time. Waves and rocks are symbols of the ups and down as well as the perils along the way. Staying the course and flying toward the goal is the way to find what you're hoping to achieve.
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