"Puppy abortion is a discussion I am willing to really get into."
Make a Moral-Type argument to persuade a target. If you succeed, target will reduce their hostility factor. If you S.U.C.C.E.E.D+, target will become convinced to support your cause and assist you in carrying it out.
Robots, aliens, and the innately evil are immune to Moral-Type arguments.
Some valid moral arguments include:
- Puppy abortion
- MDMA treatment for the elderly
- Government subsidized foreskin reconstruction
- Marriage for puppets
- Punch girlfriend is OK if not often
- Euthanasia to escape poverty
- Sensory deprivation therapy for the blind (deprive them of their other senses so they miss their sight less)
Try My Shoes On: Empathize with my fucked up worldview.
♦ Flip a coin.
If heads, Target creature is persuaded to no longer attack or use abilities which deal damage.
If tails, Target creature loses one (1) turn for re-typing argument several times before posting.
If coin lands perfectly on its edge (S.U.C.C.E.S.S.+): your argument was so great that target gives up and joins your side