"The Telekinetic Knights were once said to own every dumpster in Old York" - Source Unknown
The TK Knight is a telekinetic super-paladin, a personal guard of the high priests, trained by those very priests. Specializes in telepathy, mind control, stacking cups with the mind and unstacking them and collapsing them really fast. TK Knight isn't only a mind pirate, he is also a skilled physical battler but prefers to keep them at jousting pole distance.
Pick Up a Guy With You Mind Throw Him at a Wall Hahaha: Got em.
♦ 150 DMG.
Mynd Vyrus, Fear Incarnate: Get in the minds of your enemies, make them cower before you.
♦ Creatures with under 300 HP cannot attack you.
♦ Opponent must reshuffle card. Can only be done twice.
Shortsword Sweep: Slash! *YEEOOOOOOOOchhh!!!*
♦ 50 DMG, stuns for one turn.
♦ Target creature will come down with tetanus in 60 days.
Red Solo Hans Solo, Beat Your Cup Stacking PR: 3.4 seconds, holy shit. You did it!