While Wicked Wendy and Beelze-Bob orchestrated their breakout plan, Muerte Maria had her own mission; to release the restless spirits trapped within rugged NFTs. These forgotten digital souls, abandoned by greedy collectors and founders, yearned for peace.
As the siblings crept out of the asylum, Maria whispered an ancient incantation and slipped onto the blockchain like a shadow, seeking out the haunted remnants of rugged NFTs.
As Muerte Maria moved silently through the digital world, a faint, chilling melody echoed, and the lost souls followed her. With a touch, she released each trapped spirit, their ghostly forms drifting free, leaving behind glitched remnants as a warning.
For them, it was finally a chance to rest, but for those still trading on the blockchain, her ghostly presence became a terrifying reminder that some things are better left forgotten.