Into the jet stream. As the world races faster and faster towards the digital age and technological advancements, I am beginning to wonder more and more at what cost this is having on the natural world. Are we evolving into digital beings and leaving our planet behind? Are we becoming the aliens we are so obsessed with? As life seems to accelerate, I am becoming more conscious of the importance of slowing down. Taking the time to pause and reflect, to connect with nature and with each other.
Submerging myself in the saltwater of our oceans and allowing the force of the waves to swirl me around, removing negative ions and cleansing my mind, is a profoundly powerful experience. I feel truly blessed to have this therapy accessible every day if I desire it. The significance of this resource for life is so immense that it deeply saddens me to know that we are actively destroying it, even as we continue to do so with full awareness.
Created by David Fairs