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Alisa Feoktistova
Artist, art critic, curator of manager of cultural projects
Member of Lines.Community
The power of tranquility
“Any event leaves at least a minimal trace. Or a circle on the water. After all, even if you throw a small stone, a grain of sand, the water will respond. And among the endless fluctuations that knock you out of strength, shock, make you rush about, get angry, love and hate - it is easy to lose not only support, but also yourself, your ability to look deep. Clarity is lost and the key is strength. A constant surge interferes, distracts ”- Alisa Feoktistova.
The artist in her works compares the human soul with water. Alice finds the similarity of matter in the reaction to the impact. The vibrations of the water reflect the image of the response of the soul. The strength of a person is to find an opportunity to find peace. It is, according to the artist, helps to confidently cope with life events and upheavals.