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Brutha’s reference is the Great God Om from Discworld fictional universe Om, or Great God Om, is a character in the fictional universe Flatland by English writer Terry Pratchett. The central figure of the religion of Omnianism, which is practiced mainly in Omnia. Its main temple is located in Koma, the fortress city and capital of the state. Believers in Omnia are called Omnians. The history of Omnianism can be seen before and after Om's encounter with Bruta (the Eighth Prophet), which is described in the book “Small Gods”. Omnianism maintains that Om is the only god, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, who created the world, people, and all things. Om is usually depicted as a mighty bull with iron hooves and horns, and his sacred symbol is the "sacred horns" (their sign is drawn by hand in the air, or a person folds his palms into it). Golden horns also adorn the main temple in the Omnia capital, the citadel city of Kome. After the story in "The Little Gods" the god Om, having lost all his powers, takes over the turtle's body because no one believes in him except for one man, who happens to be nearby. God Om is not omnipotent, not omniscient, and not even the most powerful god (even in his prime). He has no idea about the precepts of the prophets and other things fundamental to Omnianism, and is generally benevolently indifferent to humans. Cynical, selfish, but reasonable enough and not without humor, Om stays with Bruta, and under his influence begins to change, as God is shaped by those who believe in him. Earlier, Omnianism was a highly intolerant religion, mostly not because of Oma's intolerance, but because of his indifference. After spending some time in the body of a turtle ("Small Gods"), Om changed his views and, with the help of Bruta, made Omnianism one of the most tolerant religions of the Flat World, although Omnians are still convinced that Om is the only true god, or at least the only god worth worshiping. Now Om prefers not to interfere directly in the affairs of his devotees and prefers that they create their ethics and theology based on their belief in his existence and on his last commandments, which have transformed the former symbols of faith into peaceful and virtuous foundations of religion. Modern Omnianism says that Om's superiority over the other gods lies not so much in forceful methods but in an abundance of new thoughts and ideas.
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