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OS Shared Storefront Collection


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Gorzilla finally arrived in America, it has been a long journey so far and he was looking forward to seeing his friend. Some time had passed since they last met, and he was feeling a little giddy. That was certainly the best thing that happened to him in the last weeks. He didn't want to remember it; it had been awful. Before these weeks Gorzilla was content with his life overall: He was in good health, nobody dared to threaten him and most of the time he lived peacefully on his own island and did his favorite thing – napping, preferably with a full stomach of coconuts and bananas. He was a devoted vegetarian. His life was almost perfect if it weren't for one tiny problem – his gigantic size. Sometimes he was described as a destructive, prehistoric, ape-like sea monster empowered by nuclear radiation, but Gorzilla thought that was an exaggeration. Yes, he was very tall, with a sturdy build and a towering, upright posture and had three rows of horn plates down his back. He had to admit that this was clearly unusual for a primate, but his size alone did not match that of a normal monkey. But calling him "violent" and "King of Monsters" was clearly going too far – it hurt his emotional wellbeing. It was absolutely not his fault that he wrecked the Japanese Maritime Force; it was clearly an act of self-defense. Gorzilla was not in need to get violent and he didn't have to put up with such childish behavior, he was a celebrity at home. He was famous and even had a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He was a popular performer in the Kaiju genre, having starred alongside Talapodan, Guenoan, and Mangamothra, just to name a few. He had also embodied the antagonists of international film heroes such as the Fantastic Four Monkeys or members of the Special Force Agency F.L.I.N.G. At a turning point in his career, he even managed to transform from villain to hero by being pitted against a greater threat to apekind: King Ghaladah. Since then he was considered an anti-hero, cited along with other notable examples of a villain-turned-hero as the Terminator Ape and John Rambaboono. Gorzilla had also appeared in commercials. In one, he won an oversized one-on-one game of peach basket ball against a giant version of a famous player and promoted candy bars. The storylines were often a bit odd in his opinion, but he was too professional to let it show. Furthermore, one of the wards of Tokyo had named Gorzilla a special resident and an ambassador to promote tourism. There, he was called "the Pride of the Nation", despite the fact that he had flattened this part of the city several times in films. They held no grudges and the Maritime Force should have followed suit. It happened about five weeks ago when several Maritime Force ships made so much noise around his beloved little island that he was awakened from his slumber. And as if that wasn't enough, these monkeys had the courage to set foot on his island and started sawing off his palm trees – all in his well-tended front yard. Gorzilla was beyond outraged. As peace-loving as he usually was, he got annoyed and tried to scare away the little primates so he could get back to his nap. The little monkeys initially escaped onto their ships, and Gorzilla thought they would leave him alone now – but they began attacking his island and destroying more of his habitat. And that was when he snapped. Enraged, he went into the water and roared a terrifying "Skreeeonk!" at the top of his voice, straight into the belly of one ship. Not wanting to cause casualties, he waited until all the monkeys jumped off the boat in panic, and then he simply broke the vessel in two. In his anger, he threw the pieces far out to sea, hoping not to disturb the nearby coral reef. The Japanese Maritime Force seemed to get the message. After picking up all the swimming monkeys in the water, they finally left. Gorzilla was content to have his peaceful island to himself again – but only until a week later. A plane dropped a parachute over his island with a letter attached. It was his manager who wrote in capital letters that they needed to talk ASAP. And that's when Gorzilla decided to take some time off and visit his friend King Pong abroad.
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