'Celestial Odyssey' launches the observer into the cosmic unknown, where the vessel becomes a conduit for exploration beyond the terrestrial realm. This digital rendering pays homage to the Futurist fascination with dynamic movement and the machine age, yet it transcends time, poised in the stillness of space. The craft, with its sleek metallic sheen and orb-like cockpit, suggests the intimate intersection of human ingenuity and the boundless frontier of the universe. The central figure, suspended in a tranquil dive, offers a stark contrast to the mechanical complexity of its surroundings, invoking the serene beauty of a lone astronaut in a balletic float. This image conjures the dreamlike quality of a Chagall painting, where figures defy gravity, yet here it is the literal defiance of space's vacuum, captured in digital media. A study in contrasts, 'Celestial Odyssey' pairs the cold precision of technology with the graceful fluidity of the human form, encapsulating the awe-inspiring potential of cosmic travel. The artwork stands as a digital monument to humanity's quest for knowledge and the timeless allure of the stars. ****** Fine DigitAIzed Art is a collection of 2022 art images born in the Metaverse. With all spectrums of abstract art interpretation, from inspiring portraits to still life, vehicles, weird spaces and uncategorised situations, this is the most fantastic presentation of the emerging art subculture and one to become a blue chip in the current domain of modern art. Categorised with individual traits and framed in stylish composition, this collection is sure to please anyone with an appreciation for digital art.