Embark on a journey to the stars with "Cosmic Burn", the electrifying artwork by the legendary Art Matsuri winner, Chamakou!
This limited edition piece, commissioned by Team Galverse to celebrate the Cosmic Burn open edition event, captures the fiery essence of Ryōka Rast, the Devil Gal.
Ryōka is one of the rare Gals hand-assembled by Ayaka Ohira for the Shinsei Galverse genesis collection. Behold as Ryōka bursts with cosmic energy, illuminating the darkness of space.
This exclusive artwork was only available to those who have collected all three episodes of the Shinsei Galverse: Origin Story mini-doco series, adding to its rarity and collectibility.
Those who participated in this incredible journey will also receive unique "Burning" Cosmic IDs, illustrated by the one and only Chamakou, forever etching their legacy as part of the Shinsei Galverse community!