THIS IS CRIPTOARTE: Size: 1920px X 1080. File: Mp4 Video. 25fps Animation. Duration: 20" Loop.
**Javier Arrés**(1982 -Motril-Spain) is one of the most recognized digital artists worldwide, a pioneer crypto-artist, O.G. and the greatest Spanish exponent. Awarded with he London Art Biennale 2019 and the Illustrator People Choice Award Creativepool London 2017, among other awards. Andalusian based in Albayzin.
Arrés is known for his hyper detailed, pop, surreals and neo baroque cities and his crazy and impossible intricate machines. All in his unique and original style that always invites the viewer to imagine. He has exhibited his work around the world and his clients include top private collectors such as The New York Times, The NFL, Corriere della Serra and more. The total value of his works sold exceeds one and a half million dollars, being in the top 7 worldwide in the list of crypto artists in 2020.