Historical Figures builds upon Rewind Collective’s commitment of championing women & the underrepresented. Series 1 of these digital artworks consists of five female figures throughout history, fictional and real, who are warriors, leaders, & revolutionaries. Their lives or their myths have inspired millions of people throughout the ages. The works editioned works consist of glitched pixels, combining original photography and graphic design to launch this new series. Rewind Collective plans on building out the Historical Figures universe and releasing other digital artwork within this series. All existing token holders will receive privileges as Historical Figures unfolds which will include events, merchandising & community rewards such as sending lucky token holder on a historical figures trip right through to full hospitality during landmark NFT events where Historical Figures is featured. 10% of primary sales from the artists portion will go towards supporting Set The Expectation which is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending sexual and interpersonal violence through prevention work with men, advocacy, and engagement with agencies serving survivors and their families.