// File: contracts/tokens/erc721.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT AND GPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @dev ERC-721 non-fungible token standard.
* See https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-721.md.
interface ERC721
* @dev Emits when ownership of any NFT changes by any mechanism. This event emits when NFTs are
* created (`from` == 0) and destroyed (`to` == 0). Exception: during contract creation, any
* number of NFTs may be created and assigned without emitting Transfer. At the time of any
* transfer, the approved address for that NFT (if any) is reset to none.
event Transfer(
address indexed _from,
address indexed _to,
uint256 indexed _tokenId
* @dev This emits when the approved address for an NFT is changed or reaffirmed. The zero
* address indicates there is no approved address. When a Transfer event emits, this also
* indicates that the approved address for that NFT (if any) is reset to none.
event Approval(
address indexed _owner,
address indexed _approved,
uint256 indexed _tokenId
* @dev This emits when an operator is enabled or disabled for an owner. The operator can manage
* all NFTs of the owner.
event ApprovalForAll(
address indexed _owner,
address indexed _operator,
bool _approved
* @notice Throws unless `msg.sender` is the current owner, an authorized operator, or the
* approved address for this NFT. Throws if `_from` is not the current owner. Throws if `_to` is
* the zero address. Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT. When transfer is complete, this
* function checks if `_to` is a smart contract (code size > 0). If so, it calls
* `onERC721Received` on `_to` and throws if the return value is not
* `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,uint256,bytes)"))`.
* @dev Transfers the ownership of an NFT from one address to another address. This function can
* be changed to payable.
* @param _from The current owner of the NFT.
* @param _to The new owner.
* @param _tokenId The NFT to transfer.
* @param _data Additional data with no specified format, sent in call to `_to`.
function safeTransferFrom(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _tokenId,
bytes calldata _data
* @notice This works identically to the other function with an extra data parameter, except this
* function just sets data to ""
* @dev Transfers the ownership of an NFT from one address to another address. This function can
* be changed to payable.
* @param _from The current owner of the NFT.
* @param _to The new owner.
* @param _tokenId The NFT to transfer.
function safeTransferFrom(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _tokenId
* @notice The caller is responsible to confirm that `_to` is capable of receiving NFTs or else
* they may be permanently lost.
* @dev Throws unless `msg.sender` is the current owner, an authorized operator, or the approved
* address for this NFT. Throws if `_from` is not the current owner. Throws if `_to` is the zero
* address. Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT. This function can be changed to payable.
* @param _from The current owner of the NFT.
* @param _to The new owner.
* @param _tokenId The NFT to transfer.
function transferFrom(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _tokenId
* @notice The zero address indicates there is no approved address. Throws unless `msg.sender` is
* the current NFT owner, or an authorized operator of the current owner.
* @param _approved The new approved NFT controller.
* @dev Set or reaffirm the approved address for an NFT. This function can be changed to payable.
* @param _tokenId The NFT to approve.
function approve(
address _approved,
uint256 _tokenId
* @notice The contract MUST allow multiple operators per owner.
* @dev Enables or disables approval for a third party ("operator") to manage all of
* `msg.sender`'s assets. It also emits the ApprovalForAll event.
* @param _operator Address to add to the set of authorized operators.
* @param _approved True if the operators is approved, false to revoke approval.
function setApprovalForAll(
address _operator,
bool _approved
* @dev Returns the number of NFTs owned by `_owner`. NFTs assigned to the zero address are
* considered invalid, and this function throws for queries about the zero address.
* @notice Count all NFTs assigned to an owner.
* @param _owner Address for whom to query the balance.
* @return Balance of _owner.
function balanceOf(
address _owner
returns (uint256);
* @notice Find the owner of an NFT.
* @dev Returns the address of the owner of the NFT. NFTs assigned to the zero address are
* considered invalid, and queries about them do throw.
* @param _tokenId The identifier for an NFT.
* @return Address of _tokenId owner.
function ownerOf(
uint256 _tokenId
returns (address);
* @notice Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT.
* @dev Get the approved address for a single NFT.
* @param _tokenId The NFT to find the approved address for.
* @return Address that _tokenId is approved for.
function getApproved(
uint256 _tokenId
returns (address);
* @notice Query if an address is an authorized operator for another address.
* @dev Returns true if `_operator` is an approved operator for `_owner`, false otherwise.
* @param _owner The address that owns the NFTs.
* @param _operator The address that acts on behalf of the owner.
* @return True if approved for all, false otherwise.
function isApprovedForAll(
address _owner,
address _operator
returns (bool);
// File: contracts/tokens/erc721-token-receiver.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @dev ERC-721 interface for accepting safe transfers.
* See https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-721.md.
interface ERC721TokenReceiver
* @notice The contract address is always the message sender. A wallet/broker/auction application
* MUST implement the wallet interface if it will accept safe transfers.
* @dev Handle the receipt of a NFT. The ERC721 smart contract calls this function on the
* recipient after a `transfer`. This function MAY throw to revert and reject the transfer. Return
* of other than the magic value MUST result in the transaction being reverted.
* Returns `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))` unless throwing.
* @param _operator The address which called `safeTransferFrom` function.
* @param _from The address which previously owned the token.
* @param _tokenId The NFT identifier which is being transferred.
* @param _data Additional data with no specified format.
* @return Returns `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)"))`.
function onERC721Received(
address _operator,
address _from,
uint256 _tokenId,
bytes calldata _data
// File: contracts/utils/erc165.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @dev A standard for detecting smart contract interfaces.
* See: https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-165.
interface ERC165
* @dev Checks if the smart contract includes a specific interface.
* This function uses less than 30,000 gas.
* @param _interfaceID The interface identifier, as specified in ERC-165.
* @return True if _interfaceID is supported, false otherwise.
function supportsInterface(
bytes4 _interfaceID
returns (bool);
// File: contracts/utils/supports-interface.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @dev Implementation of standard for detect smart contract interfaces.
contract SupportsInterface is
* @dev Mapping of supported intefraces. You must not set element 0xffffffff to true.
mapping(bytes4 => bool) internal supportedInterfaces;
* @dev Contract constructor.
supportedInterfaces[0x01ffc9a7] = true; // ERC165
* @dev Function to check which interfaces are suported by this contract.
* @param _interfaceID Id of the interface.
* @return True if _interfaceID is supported, false otherwise.
function supportsInterface(
bytes4 _interfaceID
returns (bool)
return supportedInterfaces[_interfaceID];
// File: contracts/utils/address-utils.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @notice Based on:
* https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/master/contracts/utils/Address.sol
* Requires EIP-1052.
* @dev Utility library of inline functions on addresses.
library AddressUtils
* @dev Returns whether the target address is a contract.
* @param _addr Address to check.
* @return addressCheck True if _addr is a contract, false if not.
function isContract(
address _addr
returns (bool addressCheck)
// This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in
// construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the
// constructor execution.
// According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts
// and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned
// for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')`
bytes32 codehash;
bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470;
assembly { codehash := extcodehash(_addr) } // solhint-disable-line
addressCheck = (codehash != 0x0 && codehash != accountHash);
// File: contracts/tokens/nf-token.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @dev Implementation of ERC-721 non-fungible token standard.
contract NFToken is
using AddressUtils for address;
* @dev List of revert message codes. Implementing dApp should handle showing the correct message.
* Based on 0xcert framework error codes.
string constant ZERO_ADDRESS = "003001";
string constant NOT_VALID_NFT = "003002";
string constant NOT_OWNER_OR_OPERATOR = "003003";
string constant NOT_OWNER_APPROVED_OR_OPERATOR = "003004";
string constant NOT_ABLE_TO_RECEIVE_NFT = "003005";
string constant NFT_ALREADY_EXISTS = "003006";
string constant NOT_OWNER = "003007";
string constant IS_OWNER = "003008";
* @dev Magic value of a smart contract that can receive NFT.
* Equal to: bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)")).
bytes4 internal constant MAGIC_ON_ERC721_RECEIVED = 0x150b7a02;
* @dev A mapping from NFT ID to the address that owns it.
mapping (uint256 => address) internal idToOwner;
* @dev Mapping from NFT ID to approved address.
mapping (uint256 => address) internal idToApproval;
* @dev Mapping from owner address to count of their tokens.
mapping (address => uint256) private ownerToNFTokenCount;
* @dev Mapping from owner address to mapping of operator addresses.
mapping (address => mapping (address => bool)) internal ownerToOperators;
* @dev Guarantees that the msg.sender is an owner or operator of the given NFT.
* @param _tokenId ID of the NFT to validate.
modifier canOperate(
uint256 _tokenId
address tokenOwner = idToOwner[_tokenId];
tokenOwner == msg.sender || ownerToOperators[tokenOwner][msg.sender],
* @dev Guarantees that the msg.sender is allowed to transfer NFT.
* @param _tokenId ID of the NFT to transfer.
modifier canTransfer(
uint256 _tokenId
address tokenOwner = idToOwner[_tokenId];
tokenOwner == msg.sender
|| idToApproval[_tokenId] == msg.sender
|| ownerToOperators[tokenOwner][msg.sender],
* @dev Guarantees that _tokenId is a valid Token.
* @param _tokenId ID of the NFT to validate.
modifier validNFToken(
uint256 _tokenId
require(idToOwner[_tokenId] != address(0), NOT_VALID_NFT);
* @dev Contract constructor.
supportedInterfaces[0x80ac58cd] = true; // ERC721
* @notice Throws unless `msg.sender` is the current owner, an authorized operator, or the
* approved address for this NFT. Throws if `_from` is not the current owner. Throws if `_to` is
* the zero address. Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT. When transfer is complete, this
* function checks if `_to` is a smart contract (code size > 0). If so, it calls
* `onERC721Received` on `_to` and throws if the return value is not
* `bytes4(keccak256("onERC721Received(address,uint256,bytes)"))`.
* @dev Transfers the ownership of an NFT from one address to another address. This function can
* be changed to payable.
* @param _from The current owner of the NFT.
* @param _to The new owner.
* @param _tokenId The NFT to transfer.
* @param _data Additional data with no specified format, sent in call to `_to`.
function safeTransferFrom(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _tokenId,
bytes calldata _data
_safeTransferFrom(_from, _to, _tokenId, _data);
* @notice This works identically to the other function with an extra data parameter, except this
* function just sets data to "".
* @dev Transfers the ownership of an NFT from one address to another address. This function can
* be changed to payable.
* @param _from The current owner of the NFT.
* @param _to The new owner.
* @param _tokenId The NFT to transfer.
function safeTransferFrom(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _tokenId
_safeTransferFrom(_from, _to, _tokenId, "");
* @notice The caller is responsible to confirm that `_to` is capable of receiving NFTs or else
* they may be permanently lost.
* @dev Throws unless `msg.sender` is the current owner, an authorized operator, or the approved
* address for this NFT. Throws if `_from` is not the current owner. Throws if `_to` is the zero
* address. Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT. This function can be changed to payable.
* @param _from The current owner of the NFT.
* @param _to The new owner.
* @param _tokenId The NFT to transfer.
function transferFrom(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _tokenId
address tokenOwner = idToOwner[_tokenId];
require(tokenOwner == _from, NOT_OWNER);
require(_to != address(0), ZERO_ADDRESS);
_transfer(_to, _tokenId);
* @notice The zero address indicates there is no approved address. Throws unless `msg.sender` is
* the current NFT owner, or an authorized operator of the current owner.
* @dev Set or reaffirm the approved address for an NFT. This function can be changed to payable.
* @param _approved Address to be approved for the given NFT ID.
* @param _tokenId ID of the token to be approved.
function approve(
address _approved,
uint256 _tokenId
address tokenOwner = idToOwner[_tokenId];
require(_approved != tokenOwner, IS_OWNER);
idToApproval[_tokenId] = _approved;
emit Approval(tokenOwner, _approved, _tokenId);
* @notice This works even if sender doesn't own any tokens at the time.
* @dev Enables or disables approval for a third party ("operator") to manage all of
* `msg.sender`'s assets. It also emits the ApprovalForAll event.
* @param _operator Address to add to the set of authorized operators.
* @param _approved True if the operators is approved, false to revoke approval.
function setApprovalForAll(
address _operator,
bool _approved
ownerToOperators[msg.sender][_operator] = _approved;
emit ApprovalForAll(msg.sender, _operator, _approved);
* @dev Returns the number of NFTs owned by `_owner`. NFTs assigned to the zero address are
* considered invalid, and this function throws for queries about the zero address.
* @param _owner Address for whom to query the balance.
* @return Balance of _owner.
function balanceOf(
address _owner
returns (uint256)
require(_owner != address(0), ZERO_ADDRESS);
return _getOwnerNFTCount(_owner);
* @dev Returns the address of the owner of the NFT. NFTs assigned to the zero address are
* considered invalid, and queries about them do throw.
* @param _tokenId The identifier for an NFT.
* @return _owner Address of _tokenId owner.
function ownerOf(
uint256 _tokenId
returns (address _owner)
_owner = idToOwner[_tokenId];
require(_owner != address(0), NOT_VALID_NFT);
* @notice Throws if `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT.
* @dev Get the approved address for a single NFT.
* @param _tokenId ID of the NFT to query the approval of.
* @return Address that _tokenId is approved for.
function getApproved(
uint256 _tokenId
returns (address)
return idToApproval[_tokenId];
* @dev Checks if `_operator` is an approved operator for `_owner`.
* @param _owner The address that owns the NFTs.
* @param _operator The address that acts on behalf of the owner.
* @return True if approved for all, false otherwise.
function isApprovedForAll(
address _owner,
address _operator
returns (bool)
return ownerToOperators[_owner][_operator];
* @notice Does NO checks.
* @dev Actually performs the transfer.
* @param _to Address of a new owner.
* @param _tokenId The NFT that is being transferred.
function _transfer(
address _to,
uint256 _tokenId
address from = idToOwner[_tokenId];
_removeNFToken(from, _tokenId);
_addNFToken(_to, _tokenId);
emit Transfer(from, _to, _tokenId);
* @notice This is an internal function which should be called from user-implemented external
* mint function. Its purpose is to show and properly initialize data structures when using this
* implementation.
* @dev Mints a new NFT.
* @param _to The address that will own the minted NFT.
* @param _tokenId of the NFT to be minted by the msg.sender.
function _mint(
address _to,
uint256 _tokenId
require(_to != address(0), ZERO_ADDRESS);
require(idToOwner[_tokenId] == address(0), NFT_ALREADY_EXISTS);
_addNFToken(_to, _tokenId);
emit Transfer(address(0), _to, _tokenId);
* @notice This is an internal function which should be called from user-implemented external burn
* function. Its purpose is to show and properly initialize data structures when using this
* implementation. Also, note that this burn implementation allows the minter to re-mint a burned
* NFT.
* @dev Burns a NFT.
* @param _tokenId ID of the NFT to be burned.
function _burn(
uint256 _tokenId
address tokenOwner = idToOwner[_tokenId];
_removeNFToken(tokenOwner, _tokenId);
emit Transfer(tokenOwner, address(0), _tokenId);
* @notice Use and override this function with caution. Wrong usage can have serious consequences.
* @dev Removes a NFT from owner.
* @param _from Address from which we want to remove the NFT.
* @param _tokenId Which NFT we want to remove.
function _removeNFToken(
address _from,
uint256 _tokenId
require(idToOwner[_tokenId] == _from, NOT_OWNER);
ownerToNFTokenCount[_from] -= 1;
delete idToOwner[_tokenId];
* @notice Use and override this function with caution. Wrong usage can have serious consequences.
* @dev Assigns a new NFT to owner.
* @param _to Address to which we want to add the NFT.
* @param _tokenId Which NFT we want to add.
function _addNFToken(
address _to,
uint256 _tokenId
require(idToOwner[_tokenId] == address(0), NFT_ALREADY_EXISTS);
idToOwner[_tokenId] = _to;
ownerToNFTokenCount[_to] += 1;
*Â @dev Helper function that gets NFT count of owner. This is needed for overriding in enumerable
* extension to remove double storage (gas optimization) of owner NFT count.
* @param _owner Address for whom to query the count.
* @return Number of _owner NFTs.
function _getOwnerNFTCount(
address _owner
returns (uint256)
return ownerToNFTokenCount[_owner];
* @dev Actually perform the safeTransferFrom.
* @param _from The current owner of the NFT.
* @param _to The new owner.
* @param _tokenId The NFT to transfer.
* @param _data Additional data with no specified format, sent in call to `_to`.
function _safeTransferFrom(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _tokenId,
bytes memory _data
address tokenOwner = idToOwner[_tokenId];
require(tokenOwner == _from, NOT_OWNER);
require(_to != address(0), ZERO_ADDRESS);
_transfer(_to, _tokenId);
if (_to.isContract())
bytes4 retval = ERC721TokenReceiver(_to).onERC721Received(msg.sender, _from, _tokenId, _data);
* @dev Clears the current approval of a given NFT ID.
* @param _tokenId ID of the NFT to be transferred.
function _clearApproval(
uint256 _tokenId
delete idToApproval[_tokenId];
// File: contracts/tokens/erc721-metadata.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @dev Optional metadata extension for ERC-721 non-fungible token standard.
* See https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-721.md.
interface ERC721Metadata
* @dev Returns a descriptive name for a collection of NFTs in this contract.
* @return _name Representing name.
function name()
returns (string memory _name);
* @dev Returns a abbreviated name for a collection of NFTs in this contract.
* @return _symbol Representing symbol.
function symbol()
returns (string memory _symbol);
* @dev Returns a distinct Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for a given asset. It Throws if
* `_tokenId` is not a valid NFT. URIs are defined in RFC3986. The URI may point to a JSON file
* that conforms to the "ERC721 Metadata JSON Schema".
* @return URI of _tokenId.
function tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId)
returns (string memory);
// File: contracts/NFTokenMetadata.sol
pragma solidity 0.8.6;
* @dev Optional metadata implementation for ERC-721 non-fungible token standard.
contract NFTokenMetadata is
* @dev A descriptive name for a collection of NFTs.
string internal nftName;
* @dev An abbreviated name for NFTokens.
string internal nftSymbol;
* @dev The baseUri for NFTokens.
string internal baseUri;
* @dev Contract constructor.
* @notice When implementing, don't forget to set nftName, nftSymbol, and baseUri
supportedInterfaces[0x5b5e139f] = true; // ERC721Metadata
* @dev Returns a descriptive name for a collection of NFTokens.
* @return _name Representing name.
function name()
returns (string memory _name)
_name = nftName;
* @dev Returns an abbreviated name for NFTokens.
* @return _symbol Representing symbol.
function symbol()
returns (string memory _symbol)
_symbol = nftSymbol;
* @dev A distinct URI (RFC 3986) for a given NFT.
* @param _tokenId Id for which we want uri.
* @return concatenated baseURI and _tokenId string.
function tokenURI(
uint256 _tokenId
returns (string memory)
return string(abi.encodePacked(baseUri, uint2str(_tokenId)));
function uint2str(uint _i) internal pure returns (string memory) {
if (_i == 0) {
return "0";
uint j = _i;
uint length;
while (j != 0) {
j /= 10;
bytes memory str = new bytes(length);
while (_i != 0) {
str[--length] = bytes1(uint8(48 + _i % 10));
_i /= 10;
return string(str);
// File: contracts/ownership/ownable.sol
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
* @dev The contract has an owner address, and provides basic authorization control whitch
* simplifies the implementation of user permissions. This contract is based on the source code at:
* https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-solidity/blob/master/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol
contract Ownable
* @dev Error constants.
string public constant NOT_CURRENT_OWNER = "018001";
string public constant CANNOT_TRANSFER_TO_ZERO_ADDRESS = "018002";
* @dev Current owner address.
address public owner;
* @dev An event which is triggered when the owner is changed.
* @param previousOwner The address of the previous owner.
* @param newOwner The address of the new owner.
event OwnershipTransferred(
address indexed previousOwner,
address indexed newOwner
* @dev The constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender account.
owner = msg.sender;
* @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
modifier onlyOwner()
require(msg.sender == owner, NOT_CURRENT_OWNER);
* @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner.
* @param _newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
function transferOwnership(
address _newOwner
require(_newOwner != address(0), CANNOT_TRANSFER_TO_ZERO_ADDRESS);
emit OwnershipTransferred(owner, _newOwner);
owner = _newOwner;
// File: @openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol
// OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.9.0) (utils/math/SafeMath.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
// This version of SafeMath should only be used with Solidity 0.8 or later,
// because it relies on the compiler's built in overflow checks.
* @dev Wrappers over Solidity's arithmetic operations.
* NOTE: `SafeMath` is generally not needed starting with Solidity 0.8, since the compiler
* now has built in overflow checking.
library SafeMath {
* @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, with an overflow flag.
* _Available since v3.4._
function tryAdd(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool, uint256) {
unchecked {
uint256 c = a + b;
if (c < a) return (false, 0);
return (true, c);
* @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, with an overflow flag.
* _Available since v3.4._
function trySub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool, uint256) {
unchecked {
if (b > a) return (false, 0);
return (true, a - b);
* @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, with an overflow flag.
* _Available since v3.4._
function tryMul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool, uint256) {
unchecked {
// Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the
// benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested.
// See: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/pull/522
if (a == 0) return (true, 0);
uint256 c = a * b;
if (c / a != b) return (false, 0);
return (true, c);
* @dev Returns the division of two unsigned integers, with a division by zero flag.
* _Available since v3.4._
function tryDiv(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool, uint256) {
unchecked {
if (b == 0) return (false, 0);
return (true, a / b);
* @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers, with a division by zero flag.
* _Available since v3.4._
function tryMod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool, uint256) {
unchecked {
if (b == 0) return (false, 0);
return (true, a % b);
* @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on
* overflow.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator.
* Requirements:
* - Addition cannot overflow.
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return a + b;
* @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on
* overflow (when the result is negative).
* Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator.
* Requirements:
* - Subtraction cannot overflow.
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return a - b;
* @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on
* overflow.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator.
* Requirements:
* - Multiplication cannot overflow.
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return a * b;
* @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers, reverting on
* division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator.
* Requirements:
* - The divisor cannot be zero.
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return a / b;
* @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo),
* reverting when dividing by zero.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert`
* opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an
* invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
* Requirements:
* - The divisor cannot be zero.
function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
return a % b;
* @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on
* overflow (when the result is negative).
* CAUTION: This function is deprecated because it requires allocating memory for the error
* message unnecessarily. For custom revert reasons use {trySub}.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator.
* Requirements:
* - Subtraction cannot overflow.
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
unchecked {
require(b <= a, errorMessage);
return a - b;
* @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on
* division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a
* `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity
* uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
* Requirements:
* - The divisor cannot be zero.
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
unchecked {
require(b > 0, errorMessage);
return a / b;
* @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo),
* reverting with custom message when dividing by zero.
* CAUTION: This function is deprecated because it requires allocating memory for the error
* message unnecessarily. For custom revert reasons use {tryMod}.
* Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert`
* opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an
* invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas).
* Requirements:
* - The divisor cannot be zero.
function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) {
unchecked {
require(b > 0, errorMessage);
return a % b;
// File: contracts/Robobots.sol
pragma solidity 0.8.6;
* @dev Robobots ERC721 & Marketplace.
contract Robobots is NFTokenMetadata, Ownable {
using SafeMath for uint256;
string constant NOT_FOR_SALE = "004001";
string constant NOT_FOR_SALE_TO_YOU = "004002";
string constant INSUFFICIENT_VALUE = "004003";
string constant BID_INFLATION = "004004";
string constant MISSING_BID = "004005";
string constant NOT_BIDDER = "004006";
string constant INTERNAL_INCONSISTENCY = "004007";
string public constant imageHash = "d4c5e36e00ab8cefae0f3c04ad14f71209e75897a9dd1a3e59a01a51be7dfbf0";
uint256 public constant totalSupply = 10000;
uint256 public constant feePercent = 1; // of 100 basis points, or 1%
struct Offer {
bool isForSale;
uint tokenId;
address seller;
uint minValue;
address onlySellTo; // optionally sell only to a specific address
struct Bid {
bool hasBid;
uint tokenId;
address bidder;
uint value;
// A record of tokens that are offered for sale at a minimum value, and optionally to a specific buyer
mapping (uint => Offer) public offers;
// A record of the highest bid per token
mapping (uint => Bid) public bids;
// Ether stored in the contract until a seller withdraws
mapping (address => uint) public pendingWithdrawals;
event PurchaseMade(uint indexed tokenId, uint value, address indexed fromAddress, address indexed toAddress);
event OfferMade(uint indexed tokenId, uint minValue, address indexed toAddress);
event OfferRemoved(uint indexed tokenId);
event BidMade(uint indexed tokenId, uint value, address indexed fromAddress);
event BidRemoved(uint indexed tokenId, uint value, address indexed fromAddress);
* @dev Contract constructor. Sets metadata extension `name` and `symbol`.
constructor() {
nftName = "robobots";
nftSymbol = unicode"🤖";
baseUri = "https://robobots-f79f8.web.app/metadata/bot";
function setBaseTokenURI(string calldata _baseUri) external onlyOwner {
baseUri = _baseUri;
* @dev Mints a new NFT.
* @param _to The address that will own the minted NFT.
* @param _tokenId of the NFT to be minted by the msg.sender.
function mint(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) external {
require(_tokenId < totalSupply, NOT_VALID_NFT); // _tokenId should range from 0 to totalSupply-1
super._mint(_to, _tokenId);
* @dev onlyOwner backdoor to allow multiple mints in one transaction
* @param _to The addresses that will own a minted NFT.
* @param _tokenIds to be minted by the msg.sender.
function mintAll(address[] memory _to, uint256[] memory _tokenIds) external onlyOwner {
uint n = _to.length;
for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) {
require(_tokenIds[i] < totalSupply, NOT_VALID_NFT);
super._mint(_to[i], _tokenIds[i]);
* @dev Put the token on sale at a minimum sale price.
* @param _tokenId The token for sale, operated by msg.sender
* @param _minSalePriceInWei the minimum payment accepted
function makeOffer(uint256 _tokenId, uint _minSalePriceInWei) external canOperate(_tokenId) {
offers[_tokenId] = Offer(true, _tokenId, msg.sender, _minSalePriceInWei, address(0));
emit OfferMade(_tokenId, _minSalePriceInWei, address(0));
* @dev Like makeOffer, but the token may only be bought from a specific address.
* @param _tokenId The token for sale, operated by msg.sender
* @param _minSalePriceInWei the minimum payment accepted
* @param _toAddress the only allowed buyer
function makeOfferToAddress(uint256 _tokenId, uint _minSalePriceInWei, address _toAddress) external canOperate(_tokenId) {
offers[_tokenId] = Offer(true, _tokenId, msg.sender, _minSalePriceInWei, _toAddress);
emit OfferMade(_tokenId, _minSalePriceInWei, _toAddress);
* @dev Remove the offer for this token.
* @param _tokenId The token (previously) for sale, operated by msg.sender
function withdrawOffer(uint256 _tokenId) external canOperate(_tokenId) {
* @dev Buy the token at the minimum sale price.
* @param _tokenId The token for sale
function buy(uint256 _tokenId) external payable {
// check that this is a valid purchase attempt
require(_tokenId < totalSupply, NOT_VALID_NFT);
Offer memory offer = offers[_tokenId];
require(offer.isForSale, NOT_FOR_SALE);
require(offer.onlySellTo == address(0) || offer.onlySellTo == msg.sender, NOT_FOR_SALE_TO_YOU);
require(msg.value >= offer.minValue, INSUFFICIENT_VALUE);
address seller = offer.seller;
require(seller == idToOwner[_tokenId], INTERNAL_INCONSISTENCY);
// make the Transfer
_transfer(msg.sender, _tokenId);
// collect fee, and make proceeds available to seller
uint256 fee = (msg.value.mul(feePercent)).div(100);
uint256 proceeds = msg.value - fee;
pendingWithdrawals[owner] += fee;
pendingWithdrawals[seller] += proceeds;
emit PurchaseMade(_tokenId, msg.value, seller, msg.sender);
// Check for the case where there is a bid from the new owner and refund it.
// Any other bid can stay in place.
Bid memory bid = bids[_tokenId];
if (bid.bidder == msg.sender) {
// Delete bid and refund value
pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender] += bid.value;
* @dev Remove funds from this contract, after a sale and/or a withdrawn bid.
function withdrawFunds() external {
uint amount = pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender];
// Zero the pending refund before sending to prevent re-entrancy attacks
pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender] = 0;
* @dev Make a bid for the token with msg.value.
* @param _tokenId The coveted token
function makeBid(uint256 _tokenId) external payable {
require(_tokenId < totalSupply, NOT_VALID_NFT);
require(idToOwner[_tokenId] != address(0), ZERO_ADDRESS);
require(idToOwner[_tokenId] != msg.sender, BID_INFLATION);
Bid memory existingBid = bids[_tokenId];
require(msg.value > existingBid.value, INSUFFICIENT_VALUE);
if (existingBid.value > 0) {
pendingWithdrawals[existingBid.bidder] += existingBid.value; // refund the outbid bidder
bids[_tokenId] = Bid(true, _tokenId, msg.sender, msg.value);
emit BidMade(_tokenId, msg.value, msg.sender);
* @dev Accept the highest bid, assuming a minimum sale price.
* @param _tokenId The coveted token, operated by msg.sender
* @param _minSalePriceInWei the minimum payment accepted, ensuring the bid has not just been reduced.
function acceptBid(uint256 _tokenId, uint _minSalePriceInWei) external canOperate(_tokenId) {
address seller = msg.sender;
Bid memory bid = bids[_tokenId];
require(bid.hasBid, MISSING_BID);
require(bid.value > 0, INTERNAL_INCONSISTENCY);
require(bid.value >= _minSalePriceInWei, INSUFFICIENT_VALUE);
// make the Transfer
_transfer(bid.bidder, _tokenId);
uint amount = bid.value;
// collect fee, and make proceeds available to seller
uint256 fee = (amount.mul(feePercent)).div(100);
uint256 proceeds = amount - fee;
pendingWithdrawals[owner] += fee;
pendingWithdrawals[seller] += proceeds;
emit PurchaseMade(_tokenId, bid.value, seller, bid.bidder);
* @dev Withdraw the bid for this token.
* @param _tokenId The (once-)coveted token
function withdrawBid(uint256 _tokenId) external {
require(_tokenId < totalSupply, NOT_VALID_NFT);
require(idToOwner[_tokenId] != msg.sender, BID_INFLATION);
Bid memory bid = bids[_tokenId];
require(bid.bidder == msg.sender, NOT_BIDDER);
uint amount = bid.value;
// Refund the bid money
function _removeOffer(uint256 _tokenId) internal {
if (offers[_tokenId].isForSale) {
offers[_tokenId] = Offer(false, _tokenId, address(0), 0, address(0));
emit OfferRemoved(_tokenId);
function _removeBid(uint256 _tokenId) internal {
Bid memory bid = bids[_tokenId];
bids[_tokenId] = Bid(false, 0, address(0), 0);
emit BidRemoved(_tokenId, bid.value, bid.bidder);
* @dev Transfers the ownership of an NFT from one address to another address.
* Removes any existing offer for the token when ownership changes.
* @param _to The new owner.
* @param _tokenId The NFT to transfer.
function _transfer(address _to, uint256 _tokenId) internal override {
super._transfer(_to, _tokenId);
"compilationTarget": {
"Robobots.sol": "Robobots"
"evmVersion": "berlin",
"libraries": {},
"metadata": {
"bytecodeHash": "ipfs"
"optimizer": {
"enabled": false,
"runs": 200
"remappings": []