guided by the sword of mikael, the child and the prophet ventured across elysia. they headed from the west coast eastbound, towards the outer realms of elysia. after their journey through the city of Aurich, the duo had ended up on the radar of dear father and megacorp machina. now on the other side of the city, the prophet felt at ease, excited to be back in the sunshine and the rolling grasslands. the child, more in tune with the digital world around them, knew that they had been marked and were being tracked...
in the days past, dear father had gathered a series of interesting data points: an unidentifiable boy with a sword seemingly made of angelstone, accompanied by a machine designed much in the same fashion as himself. the pair reeked of the involvement of the man upstairs, whatever remained of his influence. curious and cautious as ever, he unleashed the hounds.
the grass whipped against their suits, mud caking their freshly polished shoes. the reveler and the widowmaker had been let loose. fueled by digital amphetamines and pure adrenaline, they raged on into the night.