Gaia was born of the union of two primordial deities, Chaos and Tartarus. She was the goddess of the earth, moisture, and fertility. She was a beneficent force who protected both humans and animals. Her children were the Titans, the Cyclopes, and the Hecatoncheires. Gaia was a loving mother who always looked after her children. However, she was also a powerful goddess who could not be disobeyed. When her son Cronus rebelled against her, she cursed him and his descendants. Despite this, Gaia always tried to help humans whenever she could. She gave them fire when they were cold and taught them how to farm when they were hungry. Gaia is sometimes depicted as a beautiful woman with green skin or hair. Other times, she is shown as a huge serpent or dragon who encircles the world. Despite her great power, Gaia was ultimately defeated by her son Zeus and imprisoned in Tartarus. However, even in captivity, she continues to watch over her children and help them whenever she can.