"collectionName": "phiSquares",
"description": "The process begins with a canvas where the algorithm sets the background color and adds an outer glow effect around the border. Squares are drawn in layers, each smaller than the previous, following the Golden Ratio. The position, color, angle, opacity, and glow intensity of each square are determined using randomization and calculations based on the Fibonacci sequence. Each square's placement and rotation are influenced by Phi offsets, and their visual properties include alternating glow intensities and z-index adjustments. The interplay of these Organic ratios results in images imbued with Motion, Life, and Elegance. Each piece of the collection represents a harmonious fusion of art and science, showcasing the intricate and delightful variations achievable only through these mathematical principles. https://phisquares.io"
"description": "Square at (529.5792280592805, 770.4207719407195) with size 494.4375772558714, angle 0 degrees, opacity 0.6180469715698392, glow 20, and z-index 0, in proportion to the golden ratio and phi.",
"position": "(529.5792280592805, 770.4207719407195)",
"size": 494.4375772558714,
"color": "#9400D3",
"angle": 0,
"opacity": 0.6180469715698392,
"glow": 20,
"zIndex": 0,
"relationToGoldenRatio": {
"size": "Size is proportional to the golden ratio: 494.4375772558714 / 800 ≈ 1.618.",
"angle": "Angle is proportional to the golden ratio: 0.",
"opacity": "Opacity is inversely proportional to the golden ratio: 0.6180469715698392.",
"position": "Position adjusted with phi offset: (224 + 305.57922805928047 ≈ 529.5792280592805, 276 + -305.57922805928047 ≈ 770.4207719407195).",
"zIndex": "Z-index adjusted in proportion to the golden ratio: 0.",
"fibonacci": "Position influenced by Fibonacci sequence number: 0.",
"glow": "Glow intensity alternates in proportion to the golden ratio: 20."
"description": "Square at (88.13768352331249, 652.8623164766875) with size 305.5856472533198, angle 222.48000000000002 degrees, opacity 0.6180469715698392, glow 10, and z-index 1.618, in proportion to the golden ratio and phi.",
"position": "(88.13768352331249, 652.8623164766875)",
"size": 305.5856472533198,
"color": "#8A2BE2",
"angle": 222.48000000000002,
"opacity": 0.6180469715698392,
"glow": 10,
"zIndex": 1.618,
"relationToGoldenRatio": {
"size": "Size is proportional to the golden ratio: 305.5856472533198 / 494.4375772558714 ≈ 1.618.",
"angle": "Angle is proportional to the golden ratio: 222.48000000000002.",
"opacity": "Opacity is inversely proportional to the golden ratio: 0.6180469715698392.",
"position": "Position adjusted with phi offset: (277 + -188.86231647668757 ≈ 88.13768352331249, 464 + 188.86231647668757 ≈ 652.8623164766875).",
"zIndex": "Z-index adjusted in proportion to the golden ratio: 1.618.",
"fibonacci": "Position influenced by Fibonacci sequence number: 1.",
"glow": "Glow intensity alternates in proportion to the golden ratio: 10."
"description": "Square at (195.27421725791874, 654.7257827420813) with size 188.86628384012346, angle 84.96000000000004 degrees, opacity 0.6180469715698392, glow 20, and z-index 3.236, in proportion to the golden ratio and phi.",
"position": "(195.27421725791874, 654.7257827420813)",
"size": 188.86628384012346,
"color": "#5F9EA0",
"angle": 84.96000000000004,
"opacity": 0.6180469715698392,
"glow": 20,
"zIndex": 3.236,
"relationToGoldenRatio": {
"size": "Size is proportional to the golden ratio: 188.86628384012346 / 305.5856472533198 ≈ 1.618.",
"angle": "Angle is proportional to the golden ratio: 84.96000000000004.",
"opacity": "Opacity is inversely proportional to the golden ratio: 0.6180469715698392.",
"position": "Position adjusted with phi offset: (312 + -116.72578274208131 ≈ 195.27421725791874, 538 + 116.72578274208131 ≈ 654.7257827420813).",
"zIndex": "Z-index adjusted in proportion to the golden ratio: 3.236.",
"fibonacci": "Position influenced by Fibonacci sequence number: 1.",
"glow": "Glow intensity alternates in proportion to the golden ratio: 20."
"description": "Square at (122.14201652786232, 137.85798347213768) with size 116.72823475903797, angle 307.44000000000005 degrees, opacity 0.6180469715698392, glow 10, and z-index 4.854, in proportion to the golden ratio and phi.",
"position": "(122.14201652786232, 137.85798347213768)",
"size": 116.72823475903797,
"color": "#00FF00",
"angle": 307.44000000000005,
"opacity": 0.6180469715698392,
"glow": 10,
"zIndex": 4.854,
"relationToGoldenRatio": {
"size": "Size is proportional to the golden ratio: 116.72823475903797 / 188.86628384012346 ≈ 1.618.",
"angle": "Angle is proportional to the golden ratio: 307.44000000000005.",
"opacity": "Opacity is inversely proportional to the golden ratio: 0.6180469715698392.",
"position": "Position adjusted with phi offset: (50 + 72.14201652786235 ≈ 122.14201652786232, 210 + -72.14201652786235 ≈ 137.85798347213768).",
"zIndex": "Z-index adjusted in proportion to the golden ratio: 4.854.",
"fibonacci": "Position influenced by Fibonacci sequence number: 2.",
"glow": "Glow intensity alternates in proportion to the golden ratio: 10."
"description": "Square at (223.41284516201335, 87.58715483798665) with size 72.14353198951666, angle 169.92000000000007 degrees, opacity 0.6180469715698392, glow 20, and z-index 6.472, in proportion to the golden ratio and phi.",
"position": "(223.41284516201335, 87.58715483798665)",
"size": 72.14353198951666,
"color": "#98D5F6",
"angle": 169.92000000000007,
"opacity": 0.6180469715698392,
"glow": 20,
"zIndex": 6.472,
"relationToGoldenRatio": {
"size": "Size is proportional to the golden ratio: 72.14353198951666 / 116.72823475903797 ≈ 1.618.",
"angle": "Angle is proportional to the golden ratio: 169.92000000000007.",
"opacity": "Opacity is inversely proportional to the golden ratio: 0.6180469715698392.",
"position": "Position adjusted with phi offset: (268 + -44.58715483798662 ≈ 223.41284516201335, 43 + 44.58715483798662 ≈ 87.58715483798665).",
"zIndex": "Z-index adjusted in proportion to the golden ratio: 6.472.",
"fibonacci": "Position influenced by Fibonacci sequence number: 3.",
"glow": "Glow intensity alternates in proportion to the golden ratio: 20."
"description": "Square at (561.4430439814669, 433.5569560185331) with size 44.58809146447259, angle 32.40000000000009 degrees, opacity 0.6180469715698392, glow 10, and z-index 8.09, in proportion to the golden ratio and phi.",
"position": "(561.4430439814669, 433.5569560185331)",
"size": 44.58809146447259,
"color": "#8A2BE2",
"angle": 32.40000000000009,
"opacity": 0.6180469715698392,
"glow": 10,
"zIndex": 8.09,
"relationToGoldenRatio": {
"size": "Size is proportional to the golden ratio: 44.58809146447259 / 72.14353198951666 ≈ 1.618.",
"angle": "Angle is proportional to the golden ratio: 32.40000000000009.",
"opacity": "Opacity is inversely proportional to the golden ratio: 0.6180469715698392.",
"position": "Position adjusted with phi offset: (589 + -27.556956018533135 ≈ 561.4430439814669, 406 + 27.556956018533135 ≈ 433.5569560185331).",
"zIndex": "Z-index adjusted in proportion to the golden ratio: 8.09.",
"fibonacci": "Position influenced by Fibonacci sequence number: 5.",
"glow": "Glow intensity alternates in proportion to the golden ratio: 10."
"description": "Square at (247.03149321293768, 387.9685067870623) with size 27.557534897696286, angle 254.8800000000001 degrees, opacity 0.6180469715698392, glow 20, and z-index 9.708, in proportion to the golden ratio and phi.",
"position": "(247.03149321293768, 387.9685067870623)",
"size": 27.557534897696286,
"color": "#303031",
"angle": 254.8800000000001,
"opacity": 0.6180469715698392,
"glow": 20,
"zIndex": 9.708,
"relationToGoldenRatio": {
"size": "Size is proportional to the golden ratio: 27.557534897696286 / 44.58809146447259 ≈ 1.618.",
"angle": "Angle is proportional to the golden ratio: 254.8800000000001.",
"opacity": "Opacity is inversely proportional to the golden ratio: 0.6180469715698392.",
"position": "Position adjusted with phi offset: (230 + 17.03149321293766 ≈ 247.03149321293768, 405 + -17.03149321293766 ≈ 387.9685067870623).",
"zIndex": "Z-index adjusted in proportion to the golden ratio: 9.708.",
"fibonacci": "Position influenced by Fibonacci sequence number: 8.",
"glow": "Glow intensity alternates in proportion to the golden ratio: 20."
"description": "Square at (470.47373719843154, 396.52626280156846) with size 17.03185098745135, angle 117.36000000000013 degrees, opacity 0.6180469715698392, glow 10, and z-index 1.3260000000000005, in proportion to the golden ratio and phi.",
"position": "(470.47373719843154, 396.52626280156846)",
"size": 17.03185098745135,
"color": "#9400D3",
"angle": 117.36000000000013,
"opacity": 0.6180469715698392,
"glow": 10,
"zIndex": 1.3260000000000005,
"relationToGoldenRatio": {
"size": "Size is proportional to the golden ratio: 17.03185098745135 / 27.557534897696286 ≈ 1.618.",
"angle": "Angle is proportional to the golden ratio: 117.36000000000013.",
"opacity": "Opacity is inversely proportional to the golden ratio: 0.6180469715698392.",
"position": "Position adjusted with phi offset: (481 + -10.526262801568393 ≈ 470.47373719843154, 386 + 10.526262801568393 ≈ 396.52626280156846).",
"zIndex": "Z-index adjusted in proportion to the golden ratio: 1.3260000000000005.",
"fibonacci": "Position influenced by Fibonacci sequence number: 13.",
"glow": "Glow intensity alternates in proportion to the golden ratio: 10."
"description": "Square at (494.4942751535423, 17.50572484645761) with size 10.526483923023083, angle 339.84000000000015 degrees, opacity 0.6180469715698392, glow 20, and z-index 2.944000000000001, in proportion to the golden ratio and phi.",
"position": "(494.4942751535423, 17.50572484645761)",
"size": 10.526483923023083,
"color": "#D2691E",
"angle": 339.84000000000015,
"opacity": 0.6180469715698392,
"glow": 20,
"zIndex": 2.944000000000001,
"relationToGoldenRatio": {
"size": "Size is proportional to the golden ratio: 10.526483923023083 / 17.03185098745135 ≈ 1.618.",
"angle": "Angle is proportional to the golden ratio: 339.84000000000015.",
"opacity": "Opacity is inversely proportional to the golden ratio: 0.6180469715698392.",
"position": "Position adjusted with phi offset: (501 + -6.505724846457596 ≈ 494.4942751535423, 11 + 6.505724846457596 ≈ 17.50572484645761).",
"zIndex": "Z-index adjusted in proportion to the golden ratio: 2.944000000000001.",
"fibonacci": "Position influenced by Fibonacci sequence number: 21.",
"glow": "Glow intensity alternates in proportion to the golden ratio: 20."
"description": "Square at (275.02084353921964, 548.9791564607804) with size 6.505861509903017, angle 202.32000000000062 degrees, opacity 0.6180469715698392, glow 10, and z-index 4.562000000000001, in proportion to the golden ratio and phi.",
"position": "(275.02084353921964, 548.9791564607804)",
"size": 6.505861509903017,
"color": "#FF6961",
"angle": 202.32000000000062,
"opacity": 0.6180469715698392,
"glow": 10,
"zIndex": 4.562000000000001,
"relationToGoldenRatio": {
"size": "Size is proportional to the golden ratio: 6.505861509903017 / 10.526483923023083 ≈ 1.618.",
"angle": "Angle is proportional to the golden ratio: 202.32000000000062.",
"opacity": "Opacity is inversely proportional to the golden ratio: 0.6180469715698392.",
"position": "Position adjusted with phi offset: (271 + 4.020843539219775 ≈ 275.02084353921964, 553 + -4.020843539219775 ≈ 548.9791564607804).",
"zIndex": "Z-index adjusted in proportion to the golden ratio: 4.562000000000001.",
"fibonacci": "Position influenced by Fibonacci sequence number: 34.",
"glow": "Glow intensity alternates in proportion to the golden ratio: 10."