This strain is named by the early adopters who understood how cozy life was at the time with this setup:
It’s 2013 and you’re in your room as a profitable mining rig humms along, heating up your place during a snowy winter. You take a sip of your hot chocolate and watch the price of Bitcoin go up.
[Image (.png)](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmRRdkgg3HseFeuYWP6feAqVVZRYZ4emx1GkVFf3EYvmmF)
[Image (.jpg)](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUpJRNxrfSUDCtZYYTgh9Amfy2JUoQhM34U54mNZ1n9D7)
[3D Model (.glb)](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmPegNCFEdVApSKsY37Q5qGbBCHe8rMHGBDSy6KLYEzist)
[3D Model (.fbx)](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmPDeRyckuBHvD8hzf2KUNWVNvyEP6mmqdSoXiBPr8FD24)
[3D Model (.usdz)](https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmX5jR44zJt5KayY61659CbTSS29wtYBSQVkVKGNQtfJtL)