Glad to introduce the 5th piece in Word. series on SuperRare. In this artwork, the algorithm was fed Alan H. Guth and Paul J. Steinhardt "The Inflationary Universe" article published in May 1984 in Scientific American and used its content to visualize the overlapping multiverses around us.
This influential article explained the inflationary universe model, which Guth had originally proposed in 1981. The inflationary model presented a more detailed explanation of what may have occurred in the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang, addressing some shortcomings of the original Big Bang theory and brining to full focus the concept of the multiverse.
The idea of a multiverse arises from the theory of eternal inflation suggests that the inflationary phase of the universe's expansion lasts forever throughout most of the universe, producing a hypothetically infinite multiverse.
The inflationary multiverse provides a potential explanation for the diversity of physical laws in different universes, drawing on ideas from string theory
-- Over a period of 33 days, the Word. collection will evolve daily to encompass various historically significant texts, each rendered into unique visual representations through an evolving generative algorithm. Each piece serves as a focal point, capturing moments where written words have irrevocably altered the course of human evolution in various languages and from different cultures and eras.