Laser art created in Denver, Colorado, USA during ETH Denver 2022. This build was inside the Paper Buddha Temple.
Track is by @soundwavesphotn - Dust - scooped off TEZ.
Not a Render.
Setup Details.
1W LaserCube x 5 for various elements. The Lumia background on the far left and far right are the same image being physically manipulated with different pieces of glass, the output being refocused on the left, not refocused on the right.
2 laser cubes going off mirrors suspended above the center setup (gold beams)
1 laser cube going off mirror suspended above the right setup, down off surface, up to another mirror, then behind the center setup and off another mirror to bounce towards the left setup.
Single beam modules:
Horizontal beams, top to bottom:
575nm (yellow) - the top-most horizontal beam - this is the 1st time this laser has been used live. It is not captured by 99% of cameras - and it looks 'green'. Very fkn rare.
505nm (water green)
495nm (cyan)
538nm (red)
490nm by itself, a bit closer to the camera than the 'stack' of horizontal beams.
488nm (pretty blue) through rotating glass (lumia rig) creating the blue 'aurora' behind the left setup.
488nm through generic star field diffraction grating behind center setup.
Some glass notes:
Crystal Caterpillar on far left setup
Display of 5 strains of marijuana in far left setup.
Hexagonal pillars are decorative crystal from "at home" store
3 custom airtrap marbles by IG @liquidphoenixglass
1 laser etched buddha in crystal ball
14 total glass balls
~30 other pieces of glass
3 huge 1st surface mirrors salvaged from rear projection TVs
All other mirrors 95% 1st surface as well - sourced from various places or cut from a larger mirror.
This is a 360 video, that can be viewed in VR! I suggest SkyBox Player on the Oculus. When in doubt, just fkn try it out ;)
And thank you to @denver_donkey who made this setup possible with his tables!!