18世紀初頭ドイツ・ベルリンで作られた顔料。日本に伝わりベルリンが訛って “べれんす”や “べろ藍” と呼ばれた。江戸時代に輸入され、これまでに無かった鮮やかな青色は歌川広重らの浮世絵にも多く用いられ愛された。別名「広重ブルー」。
A pigment produced in Berlin, Germany in the early 18th century. When it was introduced to Japan, it was called “bellens” or “bello indigo” in Japanese. Imported in the Edo period (1603-1867), its unprecedented bright blue color was used in many ukiyoe paintings by Utagawa Hiroshige and others, and was much loved. Also known as “Hiroshige blue.
A young man who is proud of his hair color. He has been blind in his right eye since birth, but he is a painter who draws mysterious pictures. He gets angry when I call him “Hiroshige “.