⟁ **Sunday ONLY** event admission: May 22, 2022
Access the rest of the event (Friday or Saturday) from anywhere with an internet connection!
Sunday, we bring the esports! A full day dedicated to the online-accessible World Championship and open-registration LAN tournament. So get your war paint ready!
🎫 Visit [https://axieretreat.com](https://axieretreat.com/) to learn more about the event!
🎨 Artwork created by [Yamori](https://twitter.com/yamori_jpn)
♾️ Event and artwork inspired by [Axie Infinity](https://axieinfinity.com).
Axies used:
**AIR Elvis** ([#232329](https://marketplace.axieinfinity.com/axie/232329)) & **Florina** ([#556924](https://marketplace.axieinfinity.com/axie/556924))