MOGU MEETS NEW WORLD. MOGU ROUTER CAN MINING MOGX, GET PAYMENT FROM FREE-WIFY for USERS!. SHIPPING WORLD WIDE. Only 10 ROUTERS AVAILABLE FOR NFT AIRDROP! ※Shipping costs needed We will shipping router from Japan. if you want mogu router, please contact us.
Listing MOGX TOKEN https://global.bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=USDT-MOGX [Appstore] https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/mogu-router/id1530313625 [Google Play] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mogu.router2&
HARDWARE CPU: 1.3Ghz QUAD MEMORY: 2GB DDR3 GigaBit(WAN/LAN) 1USB PORT WIRELESS: IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac(2.4Ghz,5Ghz)
※We are not selling tokens. check your law for getting tokens. Free Bonus Token 25,000MOGX(If its withdraw to your wallet on first time! )
※Giveaway Campaign not include tokens. only NFT ROUTER.
※IF YOU WANT TO GET HARDWARE. please contact support@dhg.co.jp