This is a original Javier Arrés "Visual toy". Javier Arrés is a spanish world-renowned visual artist creator of the term "Visual Toys" to describe his crazy and fantastic gifs recognise around the world. Javier Arrés is one of the most famous gif artist from the begining of the gifart movememnt. Theirs gifs are apreciated and showed around the world. Pixel size: 1000x750 I did by hand at photoshop animated by After after Effects. I said by hand because is pure classic animation by a digital way. Today have got 500.000 Views at Giphy. I´m verified and featured like Gif-Artist at this platform, the more important gif web in the world.10 seconds perfect mesmerize effect art loop. Can be show in big screens. 2,40 MB original Gif File. PRESS NOTES GIFS: MtvAsia Interview: National Suisse Radio 3min section about my Visual Toys: Hi-Fructose Modern- Art Magazine Article: CreativePool People Choice Award´17 : National Spain Tv Web (RTVE) Article: