There are 8,999 Nuclear Nerds Comic Tokens, each upgradable to the latest Comic issue during that issue's upgrade window. Doing so will change the display art of the Comic token to the cover art of that issue. Once upgraded, a Comic token cannot go backwards to a previous issue. Remember: the initial air-drop of the Comic token is attached to that token's 'parent' Nerd. If you sell your Nerd without 'unpairing' your Comic, your Comic token will be sold with your Nerd.
**CHAPTER #08: Bert And Jellys Wild Wide**
In our beloved, if not desolate wasteland, Jelly awakens strapped to Bert, on the back of his bike in a 'reverse Baby Bjorn.' Their journey veers from eerie landscapes to haunting campfire chats about flatworms and power-hungry warlords. Bert, we come to find, is part of a shadowy group known as The Twelve, who believe knowledge to be humanity's salvation, while Jelly cracks wise and craves purpose—or just a good meal. Their uneasy alliance takes a turn when they stumble upon a Marauder parade, discovering Jelly's friends in chains. With wit and grit, Jelly steels herself for rescue, ready to prove she's more than a wanderer in this chaotic, post-apocalyptic circus. To be continued!
[Read Series 8](https://nuclearnerd.mypinata.cloud/ipfs/QmbZaZrdfcrXpkPCNWRQyxL6bQ1VWhCbFYJYTqAe5mM3X3)