**About the NFT:**
This NFT, a derivative of [CryptoPunk 8566](https://cryptopunks.app/cryptopunks/details/8566), is exclusive to builders at the Onchain Summer Buildathon—for their commitment to creating based experiences and holding [Jesse Pollak](https://jesse.xyz/) (Creator, Base) to his promise of shaving his head when Base hits 10 billion in TVL.
**Who can mint?**
Everyone participating in the [Onchain Summer Buildathon](https://onchain-summer.devfolio.co?ref_code=bd9fc0926f) can mint their own SupaBald Jesse NFT.
Learn more: [https://letsgetjessebald.com](https://letsgetjessebald.com?ref_code=bd9fc0926f)