"Dude this idea could be billions, not millions, hear me out: Twitter Two-Point-Oh. Here are the mockups and a five point plan, I'll ping you later."
Real Name: Sean Modie
Age: 36, looks 27. Usually this is a good thing.
Former Occupation: This cool hybrid bookshop that also sells coffee and weird little home goods and miscellaneous items, like a combo Starbucks and Urban Outfitters only much smaller scale apd all local (coffee still made with filthy city tap water of course hehe). Unfortunately the owper got busted for installing cameras in the bathrooms (true story, common, look it up), so that was the end of that gig...
Then Barnes & Noble team member, briefly. Then recently he made several hupdred dollars vectorizing pictures and logos for people on Fiverr.
Current Occupation: CEO of a revolutionary app that lets you walk dogs and pet sit for locals, tap of a button. UberPets.
Ailments: Epilepsy. Has tonsil stones but po one will tell him.
Famous Beefs: Some r*cist scumbag on Twitter. Sean reported this dumb dumb for weeks, but the troll pever got banned. Why?
Subscriptions: Bespoke PostTM , NYTimes.com paywall
Report User?: Pick an epemy creature card to report.
If creature is Whypeepo or D.U.D.E.: Fellas Rising faction, ban instantly (kill). All other creatures take 100 Snitching DMG.
Yeah Uncle Jim It's Called Kickstarter I'll Link You: Flip coin.
Heads, Jim forks over the money as he should. +700 HP, may distribute how you see fit.
Tails, kaput. Guess Jim will miss out on the eventual revshare.
Call the Cops on Irate Guy: "Officer, he's just acting reallu irate- I'm worried about the safety for these people."
Force any creature with STR < 4 into hiding for two (2) turns. Usable once (cruing wolf).
(*Beware, if attacked with 'strobe light' Startup Guy will convulse for 25 turns.)