文件 1 的 1:Vyper_contract.vy
# @version ^0.2.11
# @dev Implementation of multi-layers space and time rebasing ERC-20 token standard.
# @dev copyright kader@enreach.io and kashaf@enreach.io
# based on https:
from vyper.interfaces import ERC20
implements: ERC20
event Transfer:
sender: indexed(address)
receiver: indexed(address)
value: uint256
event Approval:
owner: indexed(address)
spender: indexed(address)
value: uint256
event ReceivedEther:
sender: indexed(address)
value: uint256
event OwnershipTransferred:
previousOwner: indexed(address)
newOwner: indexed(address)
# EIP-20 compliant name symbol and decimals
name: public(String[64])
symbol: public(String[32])
decimals: public(uint256)
# additional decimals used for calculations
scale: public(uint256)
# exponent
expanse: public(int128)
extent: public(uint256)
extent_max: public(uint256)
# temporal timer
initpulse: public(uint256)
nextpulse: public(uint256)
struct Account:
amount: uint256
lode: uint256
expanse: int128
struct Lode:
total: uint256
total_e: uint256
expanse: int128
tax_id: uint256
itaxfree: bool
etaxfree: bool
NUM_OF_TEMPORAL_LODES: constant(uint256) = 25
STAKING_LODE: constant(uint256) = NUM_OF_TEMPORAL_LODES # 25
FROZEN_LODE: constant(uint256) = STAKING_LODE + 1 #26
RESERVE_LODE: constant(uint256) = FROZEN_LODE + 1 #27
SAFE_LODE: constant(uint256) = RESERVE_LODE + 1 #28
RESERVED1_LODE: constant(uint256) = SAFE_LODE + 1 #29
NUM_OF_LODES: constant(uint256) = 32
NUM_OF_TAX_POLICIES: constant(uint256) = 4
owner: address
currentLode: public(uint256)
transferLocked: public(bool)
taxOn: public(bool)
temporal_tax_num: public(uint256)
temporal_tax_num2: public(uint256)
temporal_tax_den: public(uint256)
tax_numerators: public(uint256[NUM_OF_LODES][NUM_OF_TAX_POLICIES])
tax_numeratorsum: public(uint256[NUM_OF_TAX_POLICIES])
tax_denominator: public(uint256[NUM_OF_TAX_POLICIES])
tax_toflush: public(uint256[NUM_OF_TAX_POLICIES])
tax_airdrop_num: public(uint256)
tax_airdrop_den: public(uint256)
lodes: Lode[NUM_OF_LODES]
accounts: HashMap[address, Account]
allowances: HashMap[address, HashMap[address, uint256]]
privileged: HashMap[address, bool]
arbtrust: HashMap[address, bool]
def _deallocate0(_debtor: address) -> uint256:
@dev deallocate all funds from a wallet
@param _debtor The address to deallocate all the funds from.
@return An uint256 specifying the amount of scaled tokens remaining
debtor: Account = self.accounts[_debtor]
slode: Lode = self.lodes[debtor.lode]
amount_e: uint256 = debtor.amount
if amount_e == 0:
self.accounts[_debtor] = empty(Account)
return 0
if debtor.expanse != slode.expanse:
amount_e = shift(debtor.amount, debtor.expanse - slode.expanse)
amount_s: uint256 = amount_e * slode.total / slode.total_e
self.accounts[_debtor] = empty(Account)
self.lodes[debtor.lode].total -= amount_s
self.lodes[debtor.lode].total_e -= amount_e
return amount_s
def _deallocate(_debtor: address, _amount_s: uint256):
@dev deallocate funds from a wallet
@param _debtor The address to deallocate the funds from.
@param _amount_s scaled amount of funds.
debtor: Account = self.accounts[_debtor]
slode: Lode = self.lodes[debtor.lode]
if debtor.expanse != slode.expanse:
self.accounts[_debtor].amount = shift(debtor.amount, debtor.expanse - slode.expanse)
self.accounts[_debtor].expanse = slode.expanse
amount_e: uint256 = _amount_s * slode.total_e / slode.total
self.accounts[_debtor].amount -= amount_e
if self.accounts[_debtor].amount < self.scale:
amount_e += self.accounts[_debtor].amount
self.accounts[_debtor].amount = 0
amount_s: uint256 = amount_e * slode.total / slode.total_e
self.lodes[debtor.lode].total -= amount_s
self.lodes[debtor.lode].total -= _amount_s
self.lodes[debtor.lode].total_e -= amount_e
if self.accounts[_debtor].amount == 0:
self.accounts[_debtor] = empty(Account)
def _allocate(_creditor: address, _amount_s: uint256):
@dev deallocate funds from a wallet and from a lode
@param _creditor The address to allocate the funds to.
@param _amount_s The address to allocate the scaled funds to.
creditor: Account = self.accounts[_creditor]
if (creditor.amount ==0) and (creditor.lode ==0):
if _creditor.is_contract:
creditor.lode = FROZEN_LODE
self.accounts[_creditor].lode = FROZEN_LODE
creditor.lode = self.currentLode
self.accounts[_creditor].lode = self.currentLode
dlode: Lode = self.lodes[creditor.lode]
if creditor.amount != 0:
self.accounts[_creditor].amount = shift(creditor.amount, creditor.expanse - dlode.expanse)
self.accounts[_creditor].expanse = dlode.expanse
if dlode.total_e == 0:
self.lodes[creditor.lode].total_e += _amount_s
self.accounts[_creditor].amount += _amount_s
amount_e: uint256 = _amount_s * dlode.total_e / dlode.total
self.lodes[creditor.lode].total_e += amount_e
self.accounts[_creditor].amount += amount_e
self.lodes[creditor.lode].total += _amount_s
def setLode(_wallet:address, _lode:uint256):
@dev set the lode of a wallet
@param _wallet The address of the wallet
@param _lode The lode to which to allocate the wallet
if (msg.sender == self.owner):
assert (_lode < NUM_OF_LODES) #, "Out of bounds lode"
elif (self.privileged[msg.sender] == True):
assert _lode < NUM_OF_TEMPORAL_LODES #, "Out of bounds lode or access to priviledged lode"
raise "Unauthorized"
amount: uint256 = self._deallocate0(_wallet)
self.accounts[_wallet].lode = _lode
self._allocate(_wallet, amount)
def setTaxStatus(_status: bool):
@dev tax Status (On->True or Off)
@param _status status of tax
assert msg.sender == self.owner
self.taxOn = _status
def setTax(_tax_id:uint256, _tax_numerators:uint256[NUM_OF_LODES], _tax_denominator:uint256):
@dev set the taxes of a tax_id
@param _tax_id the tax id
@param _tax_numerators Tax numerator per lode
@param _tax_denominator Tax denominator
assert (msg.sender == self.owner)
self.tax_numerators[_tax_id] = _tax_numerators
self.tax_denominator[_tax_id] = _tax_denominator
sum:uint256 = 0
for i in range(NUM_OF_LODES):
sum += _tax_numerators[i]
self.tax_numeratorsum[_tax_id] = sum
def setLodeTaxId(_lode:uint256, _tax_id:uint256):
@dev set the tax_id of a lode
@param _lode the lode number
@param _tax_id Tax id
assert (msg.sender == self.owner)
self.lodes[_lode].tax_id = _tax_id
def setPrivileged(_wallet: address, _status: bool):
@dev change Privileged status of wallet
@param _wallet The address of the wallet
@param _status Which status to set to the wallet
assert (msg.sender == self.owner)
self.privileged[_wallet] = _status
def setArbTrusted(_wallet: address, _status: bool):
@dev change ArbTrust status of wallet
@param _wallet The address of the wallet
@param _status Which status to set to the wallet
assert (msg.sender == self.owner)
self.arbtrust[_wallet] = _status
def isPrivileged(_wallet: address) -> bool:
@dev check Privileged status of wallet
@param _wallet The address of the wallet
@return A bool specifiying if the wallet is priviledged
return self.privileged[_wallet]
def getLode(_wallet:address) -> uint256:
@dev get account lode
@param _wallet The address of the wallet
@return An uint256 specifying the lode of the wallet
assert (msg.sender == self.owner) or self.privileged[msg.sender]
return self.accounts[_wallet].lode
def getBalance(_wallet : address) -> uint256:
@dev get balance of wallet
@param _wallet The address of the wallet
@return An uint256 specifying the scaled balance of the wallet
account: Account = self.accounts[_wallet]
lode: Lode = self.lodes[account.lode]
if lode.total_e == 0:
return 0
return shift(account.amount, account.expanse - lode.expanse) * lode.total / lode.total_e
def balanceLode(_wallet : address) -> (uint256, uint256, uint256, int128, int128):
@dev get detailed balance of a wallet
@param _wallet the wallet
@return internal balance of wallet, lode scaled balance, lode internal balance, account and lode expanse
assert (msg.sender == self.owner) or self.privileged[msg.sender] or (_wallet == msg.sender)
account: Account = self.accounts[_wallet]
lode: Lode = self.lodes[account.lode]
return (account.amount, lode.total, lode.total_e, account.expanse, lode.expanse)
def lodeBalance(_lode: uint256) -> (uint256, uint256, int128):
@dev get balance of a lode
@param _lode lode number
@return lode scaled balance, lode internal balance and lode expanse
assert (msg.sender == self.owner) or self.privileged[msg.sender]
lode: Lode = self.lodes[_lode]
return (lode.total, lode.total_e, lode.expanse)
def setLodeTaxFree(_lode: uint256, _itaxfree: bool, _etaxfree: bool):
@dev set lode tax excemptions rules
@param _lode lode number
@param _itaxfree is tax free on credit
@param _etaxfree is tax free on debit
assert (msg.sender == self.owner)
self.lodes[_lode].itaxfree = _itaxfree
self.lodes[_lode].etaxfree = _etaxfree
def getLodeTaxFree(_lode: uint256) -> (bool, bool, uint256):
@dev get lode tax rules
@param _lode lode number
@return _itaxfree, _etaxfree and tax_id
assert (msg.sender == self.owner) or self.privileged[msg.sender]
return (self.lodes[_lode].itaxfree, self.lodes[_lode].etaxfree, self.lodes[_lode].tax_id)
def __init__(_name: String[64], _symbol: String[32], _decimals: uint256, _supply: uint256, _transferLocked: bool,
_tax_nums: uint256[NUM_OF_LODES], _tax_denom: uint256):
self.owner = msg.sender
self.tax_numerators[0] = _tax_nums
for i in range(NUM_OF_LODES):
self.tax_numeratorsum[0] += _tax_nums[i]
self.tax_denominator[0] = _tax_denom
self.tax_airdrop_num = 1
self.tax_airdrop_den = 20
self.temporal_tax_num = 10000
self.temporal_tax_num2 = 2664
self.temporal_tax_den = 30000
self.transferLocked = _transferLocked
self.taxOn = not _transferLocked
self.scale = 10 ** _decimals
init_supply: uint256 = _supply * 10 ** _decimals
self.extent = init_supply * self.scale
self.extent_max = init_supply * self.scale * self.scale
a_supply: uint256 = init_supply * self.scale
self.name = _name
self.symbol = _symbol
self.decimals = _decimals
self.accounts[msg.sender].amount = a_supply
self.lodes[self.accounts[msg.sender].lode] = Lode({total: a_supply, total_e: a_supply, expanse: 0, itaxfree:False, etaxfree:False, tax_id:0})
self.lodes[STAKING_LODE] = Lode({total: 0, total_e: 0, expanse: 0, itaxfree: True, etaxfree: True, tax_id:0})
self.lodes[RESERVE_LODE] = Lode({total: 0, total_e: 0, expanse: 0, itaxfree: True, etaxfree: False, tax_id:0})
self.lodes[RESERVED1_LODE] = Lode({total: 0, total_e: 0, expanse: 0, itaxfree: True, etaxfree: True, tax_id:0})
log Transfer(ZERO_ADDRESS, msg.sender, init_supply)
log OwnershipTransferred(ZERO_ADDRESS, msg.sender)
def totalSupply() -> uint256:
@dev Total number of tokens in existence. EIP-20 function totalSupply()
@return total supply
sum:uint256 = 0
for i in range(NUM_OF_LODES):
sum += self.lodes[i].total
return sum / self.scale
def balanceOf(_wallet : address) -> uint256:
@dev Total number of tokens in existence. EIP-20 function balanceOf(address _owner)
@return balance
return self.getBalance(_wallet) / self.scale
def allowance(_owner : address, _spender : address) -> uint256:
@dev Function to check the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender.
EIP-20 function allowance(address _owner, address _spender)
@param _owner The address which owns the funds.
@param _spender The address which will spend the funds.
@return An uint256 specifying the amount of tokens still available for the spender.
return self.allowances[_owner][_spender]
def setTemporalTax(_num: uint256, _num2: uint256, _den: uint256):
@dev modify the temporal tax
@param _num tax numerator
@param _num2 tax arb
@param _den tax denominator
assert msg.sender == self.owner
assert _den != 0
self.temporal_tax_num = _num
self.temporal_tax_num2 = _num2
self.temporal_tax_den = _den
def temporalTax() -> bool:
@dev This function trigger a temporal tax event if required.
@return True if tax event happened, False otherwise
if (self.initpulse != 0):
self.currentLode = ((self.nextpulse - self.initpulse) / 86400) % NUM_OF_TEMPORAL_LODES
if (block.timestamp > self.nextpulse):
tax: uint256 = self.lodes[self.currentLode].total * self.temporal_tax_num / self.temporal_tax_den
self.lodes[self.currentLode].total -= tax
self.lodes[RESERVE_LODE].total += tax
self.nextpulse += 86400
if self.currentLode == 0:
if (self.temporal_tax_den - self.temporal_tax_num) != 0:
self.extent = self.extent * self.temporal_tax_den / (self.temporal_tax_den - self.temporal_tax_num)
if self.extent > self.extent_max:
self.extent /= 2
self.expanse += 1
if self.lodes[self.currentLode].expanse != self.expanse:
self.lodes[self.currentLode].total_e = shift(self.lodes[self.currentLode].total_e,
self.lodes[self.currentLode].expanse - self.expanse)
self.lodes[self.currentLode].expanse = self.expanse
return True
return False
def changeTaxAirDrop(_num: uint256, _den:uint256):
assert (msg.sender == self.owner)
assert (_den != 0)
self.tax_airdrop_num = _num
self.tax_airdrop_den = _den
def simTaxAirDrop() -> uint256:
sum:uint256 = 0
for tax_id in range(NUM_OF_TAX_POLICIES):
tax:uint256 = self.tax_toflush[tax_id]
if tax != 0:
sum += tax * self.tax_airdrop_num / self.tax_airdrop_den
return sum/self.scale
def distributeTax(_to:address):
airdrop:uint256 = 0
for tax_id in range(NUM_OF_TAX_POLICIES):
tax:uint256 = self.tax_toflush[tax_id]
if tax != 0:
airdrop0:uint256 = tax * self.tax_airdrop_num / self.tax_airdrop_den
airdrop += airdrop0
tax -= airdrop0
tax_num:uint256 = self.tax_numeratorsum[tax_id]
for i in range(NUM_OF_LODES):
self.lodes[i].total += tax * self.tax_numerators[tax_id][i] / tax_num
self.tax_toflush[tax_id] = 0
if airdrop != 0:
self._allocate(_to, airdrop)
def triggerDistributeTax():
def triggerTemporalTax() -> bool:
@dev This function trigger a temporal tax event if required.
@return True if tax event happened, False otherwise
return self.temporalTax()
def transferedAfterTax(_debtor: address, _creditor: address, _value: uint256) -> uint256:
@dev evaluate amount sent during Transfer
@param _debtor The address to transfer from.
@param _creditor The address to transfer to.
@param _value The amount to be transferred.
@return amount remaining to be transferred
amount: uint256 = _value * self.scale
d_lode: uint256 = self.accounts[_debtor].lode
c_lode: uint256 = self.accounts[_creditor].lode
tax_id: uint256 = self.lodes[d_lode].tax_id
if (not self.lodes[d_lode].etaxfree) and (not self.lodes[c_lode].itaxfree) and self.taxOn:
tax: uint256 = amount * self.tax_numeratorsum[tax_id] / self.tax_denominator[tax_id]
amount -= tax
if self.arbtrust[_debtor] and self.arbtrust[_creditor]:
tax:uint256 = amount * self.temporal_tax_num2 / self.temporal_tax_den
amount -= tax
return amount / self.scale
def _transfer(_debtor: address, _creditor: address, _value: uint256):
@dev Transfer token for a specified address
@param _debtor The address to transfer from.
@param _creditor The address to transfer to.
@param _value The amount to be transferred.
#if (block.timestamp > self.nextpulse) and (self.initpulse != 0):
# self.temporalTax()
amount: uint256 = _value * self.scale
d_lode: uint256 = self.accounts[_debtor].lode
c_lode: uint256 = self.accounts[_creditor].lode
tax_id: uint256 = self.lodes[d_lode].tax_id
self._deallocate(_debtor, amount)
if (not self.lodes[d_lode].etaxfree) and (not self.lodes[c_lode].itaxfree) and self.taxOn:
tax: uint256 = amount * self.tax_numeratorsum[tax_id] / self.tax_denominator[tax_id]
amount -= tax
self.tax_toflush[tax_id] += tax
if self.arbtrust[_debtor] and self.arbtrust[_creditor]:
tax:uint256 = amount * self.temporal_tax_num2 / self.temporal_tax_den
amount -= tax
self.lodes[RESERVED1_LODE].total += tax
if (self.initpulse != 0):
if (self.currentLode != d_lode) and (d_lode < NUM_OF_TEMPORAL_LODES):
amount0: uint256 = self._deallocate0(_debtor)
if amount0 != 0:
self.accounts[_debtor].lode = self.currentLode
self._allocate(_debtor, amount0)
self._allocate(_creditor, amount)
def transfer(_to : address, _value : uint256) -> bool:
@dev Transfer token for a specified address. EIP-20 function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value)
@param _to The address to transfer to.
@param _value The amount to be transferred.
assert (self.transferLocked == False) or self.privileged[msg.sender] or (msg.sender == self.owner), "You are not allowed to make transfer"
self._transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value)
log Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value)
return True
def transferFrom(_from : address, _to : address, _value : uint256) -> bool:
@dev Transfer tokens from one address to another. EIP function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value)
@param _from address The address which you want to send tokens from
@param _to address The address which you want to transfer to
@param _value uint256 the amount of tokens to be transferred
assert (self.transferLocked == False) or self.privileged[msg.sender] or self.privileged[_from] or (msg.sender == self.owner), "You are not allowed to make transfer"
self._transfer(_from, _to, _value)
self.allowances[_from][msg.sender] -= _value
log Transfer(_from, _to, _value)
return True
def _approve(_owner: address, _spender : address, _value : uint256) -> bool:
@dev Approve the passed address to spend the specified amount of tokens on behalf of _owner.
@param _owner The address which will provide the funds.
@param _spender The address which will spend the funds.
@param _value The amount of tokens to be spent.
self.allowances[_owner][_spender] = _value
log Approval(_owner, _spender, _value)
return True
def approve(_spender : address, _value : uint256) -> bool:
@dev Approve the passed address to spend the specified amount of tokens on behalf of msg.sender.
Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk that someone may use both the old
and the new allowance by unfortunate transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this
race condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the desired value afterwards:
EIP-20 function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value)
@param _spender The address which will spend the funds.
@param _value The amount of tokens to be spent.
self._approve(msg.sender, _spender,_value)
return True
def increaseAllowance(_spender : address, _addedValue : uint256) -> bool:
@dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller.
This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation
for problems described in {IERC20-approve}.
Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance.
- `spender` cannot be the zero address.
@param _spender The address which will spend the funds.
@param _addedValue The amount of additional tokens to be spent.
self._approve(msg.sender, _spender, self.allowances[msg.sender][_spender] + _addedValue)
return True
def decreaseAllowance(_spender : address, _subtractedValue : uint256) -> bool:
@dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller.
This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation
for problems described in {IERC20-approve}.
Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance.
- `spender` cannot be the zero address.
- `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least __subtractedValue
@param _spender The address which will spend the funds.
@param _subtractedValue The amount of tokens to be Decreased from allowance.
self._approve(msg.sender, _spender, self.allowances[msg.sender][_spender] - _subtractedValue)
return True
def startPulse():
@dev start temporalTax Pulse
assert msg.sender == self.owner
assert self.initpulse == 0
self.taxOn = True
self.initpulse = block.timestamp / 86400 * 86400
self.nextpulse = self.initpulse + 86400 * NUM_OF_TEMPORAL_LODES
def lockTransfer(_status: bool):
@dev lock or unlock transfer
@param _status status of normal transfer
assert msg.sender == self.owner
self.transferLocked = _status
def __default__():
@dev Process ether received by default function
log ReceivedEther(msg.sender, msg.value)
def withdrawEth(_amount: uint256):
@dev Withdraw ether from smart contract
@param _amount number of wei
assert msg.sender == self.owner
send(self.owner, _amount)
def _consume(_debtor: address, _value: uint256):
@dev Consume token of a specified address
@param _debtor The address to transfer from.
@param _value The amount to be transferred.
amount: uint256 = _value * self.scale
dtotal: uint256 = 0
tax_id: uint256 = self.lodes[self.accounts[_debtor].lode].tax_id
self._deallocate(_debtor, amount)
for i in range(NUM_OF_LODES):
dtotal += self.tax_denominator[tax_id]
if dtotal ==0:
self.lodes[STAKING_LODE].total += amount
for i in range(NUM_OF_LODES):
self.lodes[i].total += amount * self.tax_numerators[tax_id][i] / dtotal
def consume(_value: uint256):
@dev Consume token of sender
@param _value The amount to be consumed.
self._consume(msg.sender, _value)
def consumeFrom(_wallet: address, _value: uint256):
@dev Consume token of sender
@param _wallet the wallet to
@param _value The amount to be consumed
assert (msg.sender == self.owner)
assert self.accounts[_wallet].lode == FROZEN_LODE
self._consume(_wallet, _value)
def _burn(_to: address, _value: uint256):
@dev Internal function that burns an amount of the token of a given
@param _to The account whose tokens will be burned.
@param _value The amount that will be burned.
assert _to != ZERO_ADDRESS
self._deallocate(_to, _value * self.scale)
log Transfer(_to, ZERO_ADDRESS, _value)
def burn(_value: uint256):
@dev Burn an amount of the token of msg.sender.
@param _value The amount that will be burned.
self._burn(msg.sender, _value)
def burnFrom(_to: address, _value: uint256):
@dev Burn an amount of the token from a given account.
@param _to The account whose tokens will be burned.
@param _value The amount that will be burned.
self.allowances[_to][msg.sender] -= _value
self._burn(_to, _value)
def transferOwnership(_owner: address):
assert msg.sender == self.owner
assert _owner != ZERO_ADDRESS
log OwnershipTransferred(self.owner, _owner)
self.owner = _owner
def xtransfer(_token: address, _creditor : address, _value : uint256) -> bool:
@dev Relay ERC-20 transfer request
assert msg.sender == self.owner
return ERC20(_token).transfer(_creditor, _value)
def xapprove(_token: address, _spender : address, _value : uint256) -> bool:
@dev Relay ERC-20 approve request
assert msg.sender == self.owner
return ERC20(_token).approve(_spender, _value)