"Name": "Janet 'The Money Maven' Yellen",
"Address": "The Money Pit, Wall Street, New York, USA",
"Telephone No.": "1-800-GET-DOUGH",
"Payer's TIN": "19181915",
"Recipient's Name": "Gensler",
"Recipient's Address": "The Clown's Crypto Circus, Silicon Valley, California, USA",
"Recipient's TIN": "19181975",
"1 Rents": "Income from renting out an exclusive cobblestone carriage house",
"2 Royalties": "Proceeds from a hit Ragtime piano composition",
"3 Other income": "Earning from hawking CryptoKitties dressed in suffragette sashes",
"4 Federal income tax withheld": "A Mathew Brady portrait of the dollar bill",
"5 Fishing boat proceeds": "Profits from the sale of a mythic Kraken captured off the coast of Nantucket",
"6 Medical and health care payments": "Bills for visiting the highly-reputable Dr. Quack, Phrenologist & Snake Oil Merchant",
"7 Payer made direct sales totaling $5,000 or more": "Yes, sold rare vintage money printing press",
"8 Substitute payments in lieu of dividends or interest": "Shares in a Hudson River bridge project"