

文件 1 的 10:AdaptiveCurveIrm.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.19;

import {IIrm} from "../lib/morpho-blue/src/interfaces/IIrm.sol";
import {IAdaptiveCurveIrm} from "./interfaces/IAdaptiveCurveIrm.sol";

import {UtilsLib} from "./libraries/UtilsLib.sol";
import {ErrorsLib} from "./libraries/ErrorsLib.sol";
import {ExpLib} from "./libraries/adaptive-curve/ExpLib.sol";
import {MathLib, WAD_INT as WAD} from "./libraries/MathLib.sol";
import {ConstantsLib} from "./libraries/adaptive-curve/ConstantsLib.sol";
import {MarketParamsLib} from "../lib/morpho-blue/src/libraries/MarketParamsLib.sol";
import {Id, MarketParams, Market} from "../lib/morpho-blue/src/interfaces/IMorpho.sol";
import {MathLib as MorphoMathLib} from "../lib/morpho-blue/src/libraries/MathLib.sol";

/// @title AdaptiveCurveIrm
/// @author Morpho Labs
/// @custom:contact security@morpho.org
contract AdaptiveCurveIrm is IAdaptiveCurveIrm {
    using MathLib for int256;
    using UtilsLib for int256;
    using MorphoMathLib for uint128;
    using MarketParamsLib for MarketParams;

    /* EVENTS */

    /// @notice Emitted when a borrow rate is updated.
    event BorrowRateUpdate(Id indexed id, uint256 avgBorrowRate, uint256 rateAtTarget);

    /* IMMUTABLES */

    /// @inheritdoc IAdaptiveCurveIrm
    address public immutable MORPHO;

    /* STORAGE */

    /// @inheritdoc IAdaptiveCurveIrm
    mapping(Id => int256) public rateAtTarget;


    /// @notice Constructor.
    /// @param morpho The address of Morpho.
    constructor(address morpho) {
        require(morpho != address(0), ErrorsLib.ZERO_ADDRESS);

        MORPHO = morpho;

    /* BORROW RATES */

    /// @inheritdoc IIrm
    function borrowRateView(MarketParams memory marketParams, Market memory market) external view returns (uint256) {
        (uint256 avgRate,) = _borrowRate(marketParams.id(), market);
        return avgRate;

    /// @inheritdoc IIrm
    function borrowRate(MarketParams memory marketParams, Market memory market) external returns (uint256) {
        require(msg.sender == MORPHO, ErrorsLib.NOT_MORPHO);

        Id id = marketParams.id();

        (uint256 avgRate, int256 endRateAtTarget) = _borrowRate(id, market);

        rateAtTarget[id] = endRateAtTarget;

        // Safe "unchecked" cast because endRateAtTarget >= 0.
        emit BorrowRateUpdate(id, avgRate, uint256(endRateAtTarget));

        return avgRate;

    /// @dev Returns avgRate and endRateAtTarget.
    /// @dev Assumes that the inputs `marketParams` and `id` match.
    function _borrowRate(Id id, Market memory market) private view returns (uint256, int256) {
        // Safe "unchecked" cast because the utilization is smaller than 1 (scaled by WAD).
        int256 utilization =
            int256(market.totalSupplyAssets > 0 ? market.totalBorrowAssets.wDivDown(market.totalSupplyAssets) : 0);

        int256 errNormFactor = utilization > ConstantsLib.TARGET_UTILIZATION
            ? WAD - ConstantsLib.TARGET_UTILIZATION
            : ConstantsLib.TARGET_UTILIZATION;
        int256 err = (utilization - ConstantsLib.TARGET_UTILIZATION).wDivToZero(errNormFactor);

        int256 startRateAtTarget = rateAtTarget[id];

        int256 avgRateAtTarget;
        int256 endRateAtTarget;

        if (startRateAtTarget == 0) {
            // First interaction.
            avgRateAtTarget = ConstantsLib.INITIAL_RATE_AT_TARGET;
            endRateAtTarget = ConstantsLib.INITIAL_RATE_AT_TARGET;
        } else {
            // The speed is assumed constant between two updates, but it is in fact not constant because of interest.
            // So the rate is always underestimated.
            int256 speed = ConstantsLib.ADJUSTMENT_SPEED.wMulToZero(err);
            // market.lastUpdate != 0 because it is not the first interaction with this market.
            // Safe "unchecked" cast because block.timestamp - market.lastUpdate <= block.timestamp <= type(int256).max.
            int256 elapsed = int256(block.timestamp - market.lastUpdate);
            int256 linearAdaptation = speed * elapsed;

            if (linearAdaptation == 0) {
                // If linearAdaptation == 0, avgRateAtTarget = endRateAtTarget = startRateAtTarget;
                avgRateAtTarget = startRateAtTarget;
                endRateAtTarget = startRateAtTarget;
            } else {
                // Formula of the average rate that should be returned to Morpho Blue:
                // avg = 1/T * ∫_0^T curve(startRateAtTarget*exp(speed*x), err) dx
                // The integral is approximated with the trapezoidal rule:
                // avg ~= 1/T * Σ_i=1^N [curve(f((i-1) * T/N), err) + curve(f(i * T/N), err)] / 2 * T/N
                // Where f(x) = startRateAtTarget*exp(speed*x)
                // avg ~= Σ_i=1^N [curve(f((i-1) * T/N), err) + curve(f(i * T/N), err)] / (2 * N)
                // As curve is linear in its first argument:
                // avg ~= curve([Σ_i=1^N [f((i-1) * T/N) + f(i * T/N)] / (2 * N), err)
                // avg ~= curve([(f(0) + f(T))/2 + Σ_i=1^(N-1) f(i * T/N)] / N, err)
                // avg ~= curve([(startRateAtTarget + endRateAtTarget)/2 + Σ_i=1^(N-1) f(i * T/N)] / N, err)
                // With N = 2:
                // avg ~= curve([(startRateAtTarget + endRateAtTarget)/2 + startRateAtTarget*exp(speed*T/2)] / 2, err)
                // avg ~= curve([startRateAtTarget + endRateAtTarget + 2*startRateAtTarget*exp(speed*T/2)] / 4, err)
                endRateAtTarget = _newRateAtTarget(startRateAtTarget, linearAdaptation);
                int256 midRateAtTarget = _newRateAtTarget(startRateAtTarget, linearAdaptation / 2);
                avgRateAtTarget = (startRateAtTarget + endRateAtTarget + 2 * midRateAtTarget) / 4;

        // Safe "unchecked" cast because avgRateAtTarget >= 0.
        return (uint256(_curve(avgRateAtTarget, err)), endRateAtTarget);

    /// @dev Returns the rate for a given `_rateAtTarget` and an `err`.
    /// The formula of the curve is the following:
    /// r = ((1-1/C)*err + 1) * rateAtTarget if err < 0
    ///     ((C-1)*err + 1) * rateAtTarget else.
    function _curve(int256 _rateAtTarget, int256 err) private pure returns (int256) {
        // Non negative because 1 - 1/C >= 0, C - 1 >= 0.
        int256 coeff = err < 0 ? WAD - WAD.wDivToZero(ConstantsLib.CURVE_STEEPNESS) : ConstantsLib.CURVE_STEEPNESS - WAD;
        // Non negative if _rateAtTarget >= 0 because if err < 0, coeff <= 1.
        return (coeff.wMulToZero(err) + WAD).wMulToZero(int256(_rateAtTarget));

    /// @dev Returns the new rate at target, for a given `startRateAtTarget` and a given `linearAdaptation`.
    /// The formula is: max(min(startRateAtTarget * exp(linearAdaptation), maxRateAtTarget), minRateAtTarget).
    function _newRateAtTarget(int256 startRateAtTarget, int256 linearAdaptation) private pure returns (int256) {
        // Non negative because MIN_RATE_AT_TARGET > 0.
        return startRateAtTarget.wMulToZero(ExpLib.wExp(linearAdaptation)).bound(
            ConstantsLib.MIN_RATE_AT_TARGET, ConstantsLib.MAX_RATE_AT_TARGET
文件 2 的 10:ConstantsLib.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

/// @title ConstantsLib
/// @author Morpho Labs
/// @custom:contact security@morpho.org
library ConstantsLib {
    /// @notice Curve steepness (scaled by WAD).
    /// @dev Curve steepness = 4.
    int256 public constant CURVE_STEEPNESS = 4 ether;

    /// @notice Adjustment speed per second (scaled by WAD).
    /// @dev The speed is per second, so the rate moves at a speed of ADJUSTMENT_SPEED * err each second (while being
    /// continuously compounded).
    /// @dev Adjustment speed = 50/year.
    int256 public constant ADJUSTMENT_SPEED = 50 ether / int256(365 days);

    /// @notice Target utilization (scaled by WAD).
    /// @dev Target utilization = 90%.
    int256 public constant TARGET_UTILIZATION = 0.9 ether;

    /// @notice Initial rate at target per second (scaled by WAD).
    /// @dev Initial rate at target = 4% (rate between 1% and 16%).
    int256 public constant INITIAL_RATE_AT_TARGET = 0.04 ether / int256(365 days);

    /// @notice Minimum rate at target per second (scaled by WAD).
    /// @dev Minimum rate at target = 0.1% (minimum rate = 0.025%).
    int256 public constant MIN_RATE_AT_TARGET = 0.001 ether / int256(365 days);

    /// @notice Maximum rate at target per second (scaled by WAD).
    /// @dev Maximum rate at target = 200% (maximum rate = 800%).
    int256 public constant MAX_RATE_AT_TARGET = 2.0 ether / int256(365 days);
文件 3 的 10:ErrorsLib.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

/// @title ErrorsLib
/// @author Morpho Labs
/// @custom:contact security@morpho.org
/// @notice Library exposing error messages.
library ErrorsLib {
    /// @dev Thrown when passing the zero address.
    string internal constant ZERO_ADDRESS = "zero address";

    /// @dev Thrown when the caller is not Morpho.
    string internal constant NOT_MORPHO = "not Morpho";
文件 4 的 10:ExpLib.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {WAD_INT} from "../MathLib.sol";

/// @title ExpLib
/// @author Morpho Labs
/// @custom:contact security@morpho.org
/// @notice Library to approximate the exponential function.
library ExpLib {
    /// @dev ln(2).
    int256 internal constant LN_2_INT = 0.693147180559945309 ether;

    /// @dev ln(1e-18).
    int256 internal constant LN_WEI_INT = -41.446531673892822312 ether;

    /// @dev Above this bound, `wExp` is clipped to avoid overflowing when multiplied with 1 ether.
    /// @dev This upper bound corresponds to: ln(type(int256).max / 1e36) (scaled by WAD, floored).
    int256 internal constant WEXP_UPPER_BOUND = 93.859467695000404319 ether;

    /// @dev The value of wExp(`WEXP_UPPER_BOUND`).
    int256 internal constant WEXP_UPPER_VALUE = 57716089161558943949701069502944508345128.422502756744429568 ether;

    /// @dev Returns an approximation of exp.
    function wExp(int256 x) internal pure returns (int256) {
        unchecked {
            // If x < ln(1e-18) then exp(x) < 1e-18 so it is rounded to zero.
            if (x < LN_WEI_INT) return 0;
            // `wExp` is clipped to avoid overflowing when multiplied with 1 ether.
            if (x >= WEXP_UPPER_BOUND) return WEXP_UPPER_VALUE;

            // Decompose x as x = q * ln(2) + r with q an integer and -ln(2)/2 <= r <= ln(2)/2.
            // q = x / ln(2) rounded half toward zero.
            int256 roundingAdjustment = (x < 0) ? -(LN_2_INT / 2) : (LN_2_INT / 2);
            // Safe unchecked because x is bounded.
            int256 q = (x + roundingAdjustment) / LN_2_INT;
            // Safe unchecked because |q * ln(2) - x| <= ln(2)/2.
            int256 r = x - q * LN_2_INT;

            // Compute e^r with a 2nd-order Taylor polynomial.
            // Safe unchecked because |r| < 1e18.
            int256 expR = WAD_INT + r + (r * r) / WAD_INT / 2;

            // Return e^x = 2^q * e^r.
            if (q >= 0) return expR << uint256(q);
            else return expR >> uint256(-q);
文件 5 的 10:IAdaptiveCurveIrm.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.5.0;

import {IIrm} from "../../lib/morpho-blue/src/interfaces/IIrm.sol";
import {Id} from "../../lib/morpho-blue/src/interfaces/IMorpho.sol";

/// @title IAdaptiveCurveIrm
/// @author Morpho Labs
/// @custom:contact security@morpho.org
/// @notice Interface exposed by the AdaptiveCurveIrm.
interface IAdaptiveCurveIrm is IIrm {
    /// @notice Address of Morpho.
    function MORPHO() external view returns (address);

    /// @notice Rate at target utilization.
    /// @dev Tells the height of the curve.
    function rateAtTarget(Id id) external view returns (int256);
文件 6 的 10:IIrm.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
pragma solidity >=0.5.0;

import {MarketParams, Market} from "./IMorpho.sol";

/// @title IIrm
/// @author Morpho Labs
/// @custom:contact security@morpho.org
/// @notice Interface that Interest Rate Models (IRMs) used by Morpho must implement.
interface IIrm {
    /// @notice Returns the borrow rate per second (scaled by WAD) of the market `marketParams`.
    /// @dev Assumes that `market` corresponds to `marketParams`.
    function borrowRate(MarketParams memory marketParams, Market memory market) external returns (uint256);

    /// @notice Returns the borrow rate per second (scaled by WAD) of the market `marketParams` without modifying any
    /// storage.
    /// @dev Assumes that `market` corresponds to `marketParams`.
    function borrowRateView(MarketParams memory marketParams, Market memory market) external view returns (uint256);
文件 7 的 10:IMorpho.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
pragma solidity >=0.5.0;

type Id is bytes32;

struct MarketParams {
    address loanToken;
    address collateralToken;
    address oracle;
    address irm;
    uint256 lltv;

/// @dev Warning: For `feeRecipient`, `supplyShares` does not contain the accrued shares since the last interest
/// accrual.
struct Position {
    uint256 supplyShares;
    uint128 borrowShares;
    uint128 collateral;

/// @dev Warning: `totalSupplyAssets` does not contain the accrued interest since the last interest accrual.
/// @dev Warning: `totalBorrowAssets` does not contain the accrued interest since the last interest accrual.
/// @dev Warning: `totalSupplyShares` does not contain the additional shares accrued by `feeRecipient` since the last
/// interest accrual.
struct Market {
    uint128 totalSupplyAssets;
    uint128 totalSupplyShares;
    uint128 totalBorrowAssets;
    uint128 totalBorrowShares;
    uint128 lastUpdate;
    uint128 fee;

struct Authorization {
    address authorizer;
    address authorized;
    bool isAuthorized;
    uint256 nonce;
    uint256 deadline;

struct Signature {
    uint8 v;
    bytes32 r;
    bytes32 s;

/// @dev This interface is used for factorizing IMorphoStaticTyping and IMorpho.
/// @dev Consider using the IMorpho interface instead of this one.
interface IMorphoBase {
    /// @notice The EIP-712 domain separator.
    /// @dev Warning: Every EIP-712 signed message based on this domain separator can be reused on another chain sharing
    /// the same chain id because the domain separator would be the same.
    function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() external view returns (bytes32);

    /// @notice The owner of the contract.
    /// @dev It has the power to change the owner.
    /// @dev It has the power to set fees on markets and set the fee recipient.
    /// @dev It has the power to enable but not disable IRMs and LLTVs.
    function owner() external view returns (address);

    /// @notice The fee recipient of all markets.
    /// @dev The recipient receives the fees of a given market through a supply position on that market.
    function feeRecipient() external view returns (address);

    /// @notice Whether the `irm` is enabled.
    function isIrmEnabled(address irm) external view returns (bool);

    /// @notice Whether the `lltv` is enabled.
    function isLltvEnabled(uint256 lltv) external view returns (bool);

    /// @notice Whether `authorized` is authorized to modify `authorizer`'s position on all markets.
    /// @dev Anyone is authorized to modify their own positions, regardless of this variable.
    function isAuthorized(address authorizer, address authorized) external view returns (bool);

    /// @notice The `authorizer`'s current nonce. Used to prevent replay attacks with EIP-712 signatures.
    function nonce(address authorizer) external view returns (uint256);

    /// @notice Sets `newOwner` as `owner` of the contract.
    /// @dev Warning: No two-step transfer ownership.
    /// @dev Warning: The owner can be set to the zero address.
    function setOwner(address newOwner) external;

    /// @notice Enables `irm` as a possible IRM for market creation.
    /// @dev Warning: It is not possible to disable an IRM.
    function enableIrm(address irm) external;

    /// @notice Enables `lltv` as a possible LLTV for market creation.
    /// @dev Warning: It is not possible to disable a LLTV.
    function enableLltv(uint256 lltv) external;

    /// @notice Sets the `newFee` for the given market `marketParams`.
    /// @param newFee The new fee, scaled by WAD.
    /// @dev Warning: The recipient can be the zero address.
    function setFee(MarketParams memory marketParams, uint256 newFee) external;

    /// @notice Sets `newFeeRecipient` as `feeRecipient` of the fee.
    /// @dev Warning: If the fee recipient is set to the zero address, fees will accrue there and will be lost.
    /// @dev Modifying the fee recipient will allow the new recipient to claim any pending fees not yet accrued. To
    /// ensure that the current recipient receives all due fees, accrue interest manually prior to making any changes.
    function setFeeRecipient(address newFeeRecipient) external;

    /// @notice Creates the market `marketParams`.
    /// @dev Here is the list of assumptions on the market's dependencies (tokens, IRM and oracle) that guarantees
    /// Morpho behaves as expected:
    /// - The token should be ERC-20 compliant, except that it can omit return values on `transfer` and `transferFrom`.
    /// - The token balance of Morpho should only decrease on `transfer` and `transferFrom`. In particular, tokens with
    /// burn functions are not supported.
    /// - The token should not re-enter Morpho on `transfer` nor `transferFrom`.
    /// - The token balance of the sender (resp. receiver) should decrease (resp. increase) by exactly the given amount
    /// on `transfer` and `transferFrom`. In particular, tokens with fees on transfer are not supported.
    /// - The IRM should not re-enter Morpho.
    /// - The oracle should return a price with the correct scaling.
    /// @dev Here is a list of properties on the market's dependencies that could break Morpho's liveness properties
    /// (funds could get stuck):
    /// - The token can revert on `transfer` and `transferFrom` for a reason other than an approval or balance issue.
    /// - A very high amount of assets (~1e35) supplied or borrowed can make the computation of `toSharesUp` and
    /// `toSharesDown` overflow.
    /// - The IRM can revert on `borrowRate`.
    /// - A very high borrow rate returned by the IRM can make the computation of `interest` in `_accrueInterest`
    /// overflow.
    /// - The oracle can revert on `price`. Note that this can be used to prevent `borrow`, `withdrawCollateral` and
    /// `liquidate` from being used under certain market conditions.
    /// - A very high price returned by the oracle can make the computation of `maxBorrow` in `_isHealthy` overflow, or
    /// the computation of `assetsRepaid` in `liquidate` overflow.
    /// @dev The borrow share price of a market with less than 1e4 assets borrowed can be decreased by manipulations, to
    /// the point where `totalBorrowShares` is very large and borrowing overflows.
    function createMarket(MarketParams memory marketParams) external;

    /// @notice Supplies `assets` or `shares` on behalf of `onBehalf`, optionally calling back the caller's
    /// `onMorphoSupply` function with the given `data`.
    /// @dev Either `assets` or `shares` should be zero. Most use cases should rely on `assets` as an input so the
    /// caller is guaranteed to have `assets` tokens pulled from their balance, but the possibility to mint a specific
    /// amount of shares is given for full compatibility and precision.
    /// @dev Supplying a large amount can revert for overflow.
    /// @dev Supplying an amount of shares may lead to supply more or fewer assets than expected due to slippage.
    /// Consider using the `assets` parameter to avoid this.
    /// @param marketParams The market to supply assets to.
    /// @param assets The amount of assets to supply.
    /// @param shares The amount of shares to mint.
    /// @param onBehalf The address that will own the increased supply position.
    /// @param data Arbitrary data to pass to the `onMorphoSupply` callback. Pass empty data if not needed.
    /// @return assetsSupplied The amount of assets supplied.
    /// @return sharesSupplied The amount of shares minted.
    function supply(
        MarketParams memory marketParams,
        uint256 assets,
        uint256 shares,
        address onBehalf,
        bytes memory data
    ) external returns (uint256 assetsSupplied, uint256 sharesSupplied);

    /// @notice Withdraws `assets` or `shares` on behalf of `onBehalf` and sends the assets to `receiver`.
    /// @dev Either `assets` or `shares` should be zero. To withdraw max, pass the `shares`'s balance of `onBehalf`.
    /// @dev `msg.sender` must be authorized to manage `onBehalf`'s positions.
    /// @dev Withdrawing an amount corresponding to more shares than supplied will revert for underflow.
    /// @dev It is advised to use the `shares` input when withdrawing the full position to avoid reverts due to
    /// conversion roundings between shares and assets.
    /// @param marketParams The market to withdraw assets from.
    /// @param assets The amount of assets to withdraw.
    /// @param shares The amount of shares to burn.
    /// @param onBehalf The address of the owner of the supply position.
    /// @param receiver The address that will receive the withdrawn assets.
    /// @return assetsWithdrawn The amount of assets withdrawn.
    /// @return sharesWithdrawn The amount of shares burned.
    function withdraw(
        MarketParams memory marketParams,
        uint256 assets,
        uint256 shares,
        address onBehalf,
        address receiver
    ) external returns (uint256 assetsWithdrawn, uint256 sharesWithdrawn);

    /// @notice Borrows `assets` or `shares` on behalf of `onBehalf` and sends the assets to `receiver`.
    /// @dev Either `assets` or `shares` should be zero. Most use cases should rely on `assets` as an input so the
    /// caller is guaranteed to borrow `assets` of tokens, but the possibility to mint a specific amount of shares is
    /// given for full compatibility and precision.
    /// @dev `msg.sender` must be authorized to manage `onBehalf`'s positions.
    /// @dev Borrowing a large amount can revert for overflow.
    /// @dev Borrowing an amount of shares may lead to borrow fewer assets than expected due to slippage.
    /// Consider using the `assets` parameter to avoid this.
    /// @param marketParams The market to borrow assets from.
    /// @param assets The amount of assets to borrow.
    /// @param shares The amount of shares to mint.
    /// @param onBehalf The address that will own the increased borrow position.
    /// @param receiver The address that will receive the borrowed assets.
    /// @return assetsBorrowed The amount of assets borrowed.
    /// @return sharesBorrowed The amount of shares minted.
    function borrow(
        MarketParams memory marketParams,
        uint256 assets,
        uint256 shares,
        address onBehalf,
        address receiver
    ) external returns (uint256 assetsBorrowed, uint256 sharesBorrowed);

    /// @notice Repays `assets` or `shares` on behalf of `onBehalf`, optionally calling back the caller's
    /// `onMorphoReplay` function with the given `data`.
    /// @dev Either `assets` or `shares` should be zero. To repay max, pass the `shares`'s balance of `onBehalf`.
    /// @dev Repaying an amount corresponding to more shares than borrowed will revert for underflow.
    /// @dev It is advised to use the `shares` input when repaying the full position to avoid reverts due to conversion
    /// roundings between shares and assets.
    /// @dev An attacker can front-run a repay with a small repay making the transaction revert for underflow.
    /// @param marketParams The market to repay assets to.
    /// @param assets The amount of assets to repay.
    /// @param shares The amount of shares to burn.
    /// @param onBehalf The address of the owner of the debt position.
    /// @param data Arbitrary data to pass to the `onMorphoRepay` callback. Pass empty data if not needed.
    /// @return assetsRepaid The amount of assets repaid.
    /// @return sharesRepaid The amount of shares burned.
    function repay(
        MarketParams memory marketParams,
        uint256 assets,
        uint256 shares,
        address onBehalf,
        bytes memory data
    ) external returns (uint256 assetsRepaid, uint256 sharesRepaid);

    /// @notice Supplies `assets` of collateral on behalf of `onBehalf`, optionally calling back the caller's
    /// `onMorphoSupplyCollateral` function with the given `data`.
    /// @dev Interest are not accrued since it's not required and it saves gas.
    /// @dev Supplying a large amount can revert for overflow.
    /// @param marketParams The market to supply collateral to.
    /// @param assets The amount of collateral to supply.
    /// @param onBehalf The address that will own the increased collateral position.
    /// @param data Arbitrary data to pass to the `onMorphoSupplyCollateral` callback. Pass empty data if not needed.
    function supplyCollateral(MarketParams memory marketParams, uint256 assets, address onBehalf, bytes memory data)

    /// @notice Withdraws `assets` of collateral on behalf of `onBehalf` and sends the assets to `receiver`.
    /// @dev `msg.sender` must be authorized to manage `onBehalf`'s positions.
    /// @dev Withdrawing an amount corresponding to more collateral than supplied will revert for underflow.
    /// @param marketParams The market to withdraw collateral from.
    /// @param assets The amount of collateral to withdraw.
    /// @param onBehalf The address of the owner of the collateral position.
    /// @param receiver The address that will receive the collateral assets.
    function withdrawCollateral(MarketParams memory marketParams, uint256 assets, address onBehalf, address receiver)

    /// @notice Liquidates the given `repaidShares` of debt asset or seize the given `seizedAssets` of collateral on the
    /// given market `marketParams` of the given `borrower`'s position, optionally calling back the caller's
    /// `onMorphoLiquidate` function with the given `data`.
    /// @dev Either `seizedAssets` or `repaidShares` should be zero.
    /// @dev Seizing more than the collateral balance will underflow and revert without any error message.
    /// @dev Repaying more than the borrow balance will underflow and revert without any error message.
    /// @dev An attacker can front-run a liquidation with a small repay making the transaction revert for underflow.
    /// @param marketParams The market of the position.
    /// @param borrower The owner of the position.
    /// @param seizedAssets The amount of collateral to seize.
    /// @param repaidShares The amount of shares to repay.
    /// @param data Arbitrary data to pass to the `onMorphoLiquidate` callback. Pass empty data if not needed.
    /// @return The amount of assets seized.
    /// @return The amount of assets repaid.
    function liquidate(
        MarketParams memory marketParams,
        address borrower,
        uint256 seizedAssets,
        uint256 repaidShares,
        bytes memory data
    ) external returns (uint256, uint256);

    /// @notice Executes a flash loan.
    /// @dev Flash loans have access to the whole balance of the contract (the liquidity and deposited collateral of all
    /// markets combined, plus donations).
    /// @dev Warning: Not ERC-3156 compliant but compatibility is easily reached:
    /// - `flashFee` is zero.
    /// - `maxFlashLoan` is the token's balance of this contract.
    /// - The receiver of `assets` is the caller.
    /// @param token The token to flash loan.
    /// @param assets The amount of assets to flash loan.
    /// @param data Arbitrary data to pass to the `onMorphoFlashLoan` callback.
    function flashLoan(address token, uint256 assets, bytes calldata data) external;

    /// @notice Sets the authorization for `authorized` to manage `msg.sender`'s positions.
    /// @param authorized The authorized address.
    /// @param newIsAuthorized The new authorization status.
    function setAuthorization(address authorized, bool newIsAuthorized) external;

    /// @notice Sets the authorization for `authorization.authorized` to manage `authorization.authorizer`'s positions.
    /// @dev Warning: Reverts if the signature has already been submitted.
    /// @dev The signature is malleable, but it has no impact on the security here.
    /// @dev The nonce is passed as argument to be able to revert with a different error message.
    /// @param authorization The `Authorization` struct.
    /// @param signature The signature.
    function setAuthorizationWithSig(Authorization calldata authorization, Signature calldata signature) external;

    /// @notice Accrues interest for the given market `marketParams`.
    function accrueInterest(MarketParams memory marketParams) external;

    /// @notice Returns the data stored on the different `slots`.
    function extSloads(bytes32[] memory slots) external view returns (bytes32[] memory);

/// @dev This interface is inherited by Morpho so that function signatures are checked by the compiler.
/// @dev Consider using the IMorpho interface instead of this one.
interface IMorphoStaticTyping is IMorphoBase {
    /// @notice The state of the position of `user` on the market corresponding to `id`.
    /// @dev Warning: For `feeRecipient`, `supplyShares` does not contain the accrued shares since the last interest
    /// accrual.
    function position(Id id, address user)
        returns (uint256 supplyShares, uint128 borrowShares, uint128 collateral);

    /// @notice The state of the market corresponding to `id`.
    /// @dev Warning: `totalSupplyAssets` does not contain the accrued interest since the last interest accrual.
    /// @dev Warning: `totalBorrowAssets` does not contain the accrued interest since the last interest accrual.
    /// @dev Warning: `totalSupplyShares` does not contain the accrued shares by `feeRecipient` since the last interest
    /// accrual.
    function market(Id id)
        returns (
            uint128 totalSupplyAssets,
            uint128 totalSupplyShares,
            uint128 totalBorrowAssets,
            uint128 totalBorrowShares,
            uint128 lastUpdate,
            uint128 fee

    /// @notice The market params corresponding to `id`.
    /// @dev This mapping is not used in Morpho. It is there to enable reducing the cost associated to calldata on layer
    /// 2s by creating a wrapper contract with functions that take `id` as input instead of `marketParams`.
    function idToMarketParams(Id id)
        returns (address loanToken, address collateralToken, address oracle, address irm, uint256 lltv);

/// @title IMorpho
/// @author Morpho Labs
/// @custom:contact security@morpho.org
/// @dev Use this interface for Morpho to have access to all the functions with the appropriate function signatures.
interface IMorpho is IMorphoBase {
    /// @notice The state of the position of `user` on the market corresponding to `id`.
    /// @dev Warning: For `feeRecipient`, `p.supplyShares` does not contain the accrued shares since the last interest
    /// accrual.
    function position(Id id, address user) external view returns (Position memory p);

    /// @notice The state of the market corresponding to `id`.
    /// @dev Warning: `m.totalSupplyAssets` does not contain the accrued interest since the last interest accrual.
    /// @dev Warning: `m.totalBorrowAssets` does not contain the accrued interest since the last interest accrual.
    /// @dev Warning: `m.totalSupplyShares` does not contain the accrued shares by `feeRecipient` since the last
    /// interest accrual.
    function market(Id id) external view returns (Market memory m);

    /// @notice The market params corresponding to `id`.
    /// @dev This mapping is not used in Morpho. It is there to enable reducing the cost associated to calldata on layer
    /// 2s by creating a wrapper contract with functions that take `id` as input instead of `marketParams`.
    function idToMarketParams(Id id) external view returns (MarketParams memory);
文件 8 的 10:MarketParamsLib.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {Id, MarketParams} from "../interfaces/IMorpho.sol";

/// @title MarketParamsLib
/// @author Morpho Labs
/// @custom:contact security@morpho.org
/// @notice Library to convert a market to its id.
library MarketParamsLib {
    /// @notice The length of the data used to compute the id of a market.
    /// @dev The length is 5 * 32 because `MarketParams` has 5 variables of 32 bytes each.
    uint256 internal constant MARKET_PARAMS_BYTES_LENGTH = 5 * 32;

    /// @notice Returns the id of the market `marketParams`.
    function id(MarketParams memory marketParams) internal pure returns (Id marketParamsId) {
        assembly ("memory-safe") {
            marketParamsId := keccak256(marketParams, MARKET_PARAMS_BYTES_LENGTH)
文件 9 的 10:MathLib.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

uint256 constant WAD = 1e18;

/// @title MathLib
/// @author Morpho Labs
/// @custom:contact security@morpho.org
/// @notice Library to manage fixed-point arithmetic.
library MathLib {
    /// @dev Returns (`x` * `y`) / `WAD` rounded down.
    function wMulDown(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return mulDivDown(x, y, WAD);

    /// @dev Returns (`x` * `WAD`) / `y` rounded down.
    function wDivDown(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return mulDivDown(x, WAD, y);

    /// @dev Returns (`x` * `WAD`) / `y` rounded up.
    function wDivUp(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return mulDivUp(x, WAD, y);

    /// @dev Returns (`x` * `y`) / `d` rounded down.
    function mulDivDown(uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 d) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return (x * y) / d;

    /// @dev Returns (`x` * `y`) / `d` rounded up.
    function mulDivUp(uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 d) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        return (x * y + (d - 1)) / d;

    /// @dev Returns the sum of the first three non-zero terms of a Taylor expansion of e^(nx) - 1, to approximate a
    /// continuous compound interest rate.
    function wTaylorCompounded(uint256 x, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 firstTerm = x * n;
        uint256 secondTerm = mulDivDown(firstTerm, firstTerm, 2 * WAD);
        uint256 thirdTerm = mulDivDown(secondTerm, firstTerm, 3 * WAD);

        return firstTerm + secondTerm + thirdTerm;
文件 10 的 10:UtilsLib.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

/// @title UtilsLib
/// @author Morpho Labs
/// @custom:contact security@morpho.org
/// @notice Library exposing helpers.
library UtilsLib {
    /// @dev Bounds `x` between `low` and `high`.
    /// @dev Assumes that `low` <= `high`. If it is not the case it returns `low`.
    function bound(int256 x, int256 low, int256 high) internal pure returns (int256 z) {
        assembly {
            // z = min(x, high).
            z := xor(x, mul(xor(x, high), slt(high, x)))
            // z = max(z, low).
            z := xor(z, mul(xor(z, low), sgt(low, z)))
  "compilationTarget": {
    "src/AdaptiveCurveIrm.sol": "AdaptiveCurveIrm"
  "evmVersion": "paris",
  "libraries": {},
  "metadata": {
    "bytecodeHash": "ipfs"
  "optimizer": {
    "enabled": true,
    "runs": 999999
  "remappings": [
  "viaIR": true
[{"inputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"morpho","type":"address"}],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"constructor"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":true,"internalType":"Id","name":"id","type":"bytes32"},{"indexed":false,"internalType":"uint256","name":"avgBorrowRate","type":"uint256"},{"indexed":false,"internalType":"uint256","name":"rateAtTarget","type":"uint256"}],"name":"BorrowRateUpdate","type":"event"},{"inputs":[],"name":"MORPHO","outputs":[{"internalType":"address","name":"","type":"address"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"components":[{"internalType":"address","name":"loanToken","type":"address"},{"internalType":"address","name":"collateralToken","type":"address"},{"internalType":"address","name":"oracle","type":"address"},{"internalType":"address","name":"irm","type":"address"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"lltv","type":"uint256"}],"internalType":"struct MarketParams","name":"marketParams","type":"tuple"},{"components":[{"internalType":"uint128","name":"totalSupplyAssets","type":"uint128"},{"internalType":"uint128","name":"totalSupplyShares","type":"uint128"},{"internalType":"uint128","name":"totalBorrowAssets","type":"uint128"},{"internalType":"uint128","name":"totalBorrowShares","type":"uint128"},{"internalType":"uint128","name":"lastUpdate","type":"uint128"},{"internalType":"uint128","name":"fee","type":"uint128"}],"internalType":"struct Market","name":"market","type":"tuple"}],"name":"borrowRate","outputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"","type":"uint256"}],"stateMutability":"nonpayable","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"components":[{"internalType":"address","name":"loanToken","type":"address"},{"internalType":"address","name":"collateralToken","type":"address"},{"internalType":"address","name":"oracle","type":"address"},{"internalType":"address","name":"irm","type":"address"},{"internalType":"uint256","name":"lltv","type":"uint256"}],"internalType":"struct MarketParams","name":"marketParams","type":"tuple"},{"components":[{"internalType":"uint128","name":"totalSupplyAssets","type":"uint128"},{"internalType":"uint128","name":"totalSupplyShares","type":"uint128"},{"internalType":"uint128","name":"totalBorrowAssets","type":"uint128"},{"internalType":"uint128","name":"totalBorrowShares","type":"uint128"},{"internalType":"uint128","name":"lastUpdate","type":"uint128"},{"internalType":"uint128","name":"fee","type":"uint128"}],"internalType":"struct Market","name":"market","type":"tuple"}],"name":"borrowRateView","outputs":[{"internalType":"uint256","name":"","type":"uint256"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"internalType":"Id","name":"","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"rateAtTarget","outputs":[{"internalType":"int256","name":"","type":"int256"}],"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"}]