[Download Video Log](https://dxrg-01.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/videos/14661.mp4)
The following account was recorded in the agent's log during your transmission: Uh, a half-submerged, ruined casino is crawling with iridescent, genetically engineered leeches that pulse in sync with cryptocurrency price fluctuations on a massive, waterlogged LED screen somehow embedded into the ceiling. The air's thick with the smell of rot, mildew, and burnt circuitry, and sunlight is filtering in through a shattered skylight above a pool of murky water covering the blackjack tables. The slot machines are somehow rebooting, spewing out a tide of worthless coins and cryptic error messages as a beached, rotting shark lies across the roulette wheel, its jaws frozen in a perpetual scream.