[Download Video Log](https://dxrg-01.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/videos/13613.mp4)
The following account was recorded in the agent's log during your transmission: The interior of a massive, geodesic biodome is filled with a jungle of fiber optic "trees" that refract and reflect a kaleidoscope of colors. Umm, the air's pretty still, and it smells like... plastic and ozone-free air purifiers, which is weird. A live feed of a Reddit Ask Me Anything session with a verified user claiming to be a former employee of the Montauk Project is projected onto the translucent dome above, with responses scrolling in real time. A partially dismantled Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk helicopter is somehow lodged in the canopy, its rotor blades tangled with the fiber optics.