// File: contracts/commons/Ownable.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.12;
contract Ownable {
address internal _owner;
event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed _from, address indexed _to);
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == _owner, "The owner should be the sender");
constructor() public {
_owner = msg.sender;
emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0x0), msg.sender);
function owner() external view returns (address) {
return _owner;
@dev Transfers the ownership of the contract.
@param _newOwner Address of the new owner
function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) external onlyOwner {
require(_newOwner != address(0), "0x0 Is not a valid owner");
emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, _newOwner);
_owner = _newOwner;
// File: contracts/utils/Math.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.12;
library Math {
function average(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
// (a + b) / 2 can overflow, so we distribute
return (a / 2) + (b / 2) + ((a % 2 + b % 2) / 2);
// File: contracts/commons/SortedList.sol
pragma solidity 0.5.12;
* @title SortedList
* @author Joaquin Gonzalez & Agustin Aguilar (jpgonzalezra@gmail.com & agusxrun@gmail.com)
* @dev An utility library for using sorted list data structures.
library SortedList {
using SortedList for SortedList.List;
uint256 private constant HEAD = 0;
struct List {
uint256 size;
mapping(uint256 => uint256) values;
mapping(uint256 => uint256) links;
mapping(uint256 => bool) exists;
* @dev Returns the value of a `_node`
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @param _node a node to search value of
* @return value of the node
function get(List storage self, uint256 _node) internal view returns (uint256) {
return self.values[_node];
* @dev Insert node `_node` with a value
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @param _node new node to insert
* @param _value value of the new `_node` to insert
* @notice If the `_node` does not exists, it's added to the list
* if the `_node` already exists, it updates its value.
function set(List storage self, uint256 _node, uint256 _value) internal {
// Check if node previusly existed
if (self.exists[_node]) {
// Load the new and old position
(uint256 leftOldPos, uint256 leftNewPos) = self.findOldAndNewLeftPosition(_node, _value);
// If node position changed, we need to re-do the linking
if (leftOldPos != leftNewPos && _node != leftNewPos) {
// Remove prev link
self.links[leftOldPos] = self.links[_node];
// Create new link
uint256 next = self.links[leftNewPos];
self.links[leftNewPos] = _node;
self.links[_node] = next;
} else {
// Update size of the list
self.size = self.size + 1;
// Set node as existing
self.exists[_node] = true;
// Find position for the new node and update the links
uint256 leftPosition = self.findLeftPosition(_value);
uint256 next = self.links[leftPosition];
self.links[leftPosition] = _node;
self.links[_node] = next;
// Set the value for the node
self.values[_node] = _value;
* @dev Returns the previus node of a given `_node`
* alongside to the previus node of a hypothetical new `_value`
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @param _node a node to search for its left node
* @param _value a value to seach for its hypothetical left node
* @return `leftNodePost` the node previus to the given `_node` and
* `leftValPost` the node previus to the hypothetical new `_value`
* @notice This method performs two seemingly unrelated tasks at the same time
* because both of those tasks require a list iteration, thus saving gas.
function findOldAndNewLeftPosition(
List storage self,
uint256 _node,
uint256 _value
) internal view returns (
uint256 leftNodePos,
uint256 leftValPos
) {
// Find old and new value positions
bool foundNode;
bool foundVal;
// Iterate links
uint256 c = HEAD;
while (!foundNode || !foundVal) {
uint256 next = self.links[c];
// We should have found the old position
// the new one must be at the end
if (next == 0) {
leftValPos = c;
// If the next node is the current node
// we found the old position
if (next == _node) {
leftNodePos = c;
foundNode = true;
// If the next value is higher and we didn't found one yet
// the next value if the position
if (self.values[next] > _value && !foundVal) {
leftValPos = c;
foundVal = true;
c = next;
* @dev Get the left node for a given hypothetical `_value`
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @param _value value to seek
* @return uint256 left node for the given value
function findLeftPosition(List storage self, uint256 _value) internal view returns (uint256) {
uint256 next = HEAD;
uint256 c;
do {
c = next;
next = self.links[c];
} while(self.values[next] < _value && next != 0);
return c;
* @dev Get the node on a given `_position`
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @param _position node position to retrieve
* @return the node key
function nodeAt(List storage self, uint256 _position) internal view returns (uint256) {
uint256 next = self.links[HEAD];
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _position; i++) {
next = self.links[next];
return next;
* @dev Removes an entry from the sorted list
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @param _node node to remove from the list
function remove(List storage self, uint256 _node) internal {
require(self.exists[_node], "the node does not exists");
uint256 c = self.links[HEAD];
while (c != 0) {
uint256 next = self.links[c];
if (next == _node) {
c = next;
self.size -= 1;
self.exists[_node] = false;
self.links[c] = self.links[_node];
delete self.links[_node];
delete self.values[_node];
* @dev Get median beetween entry from the sorted list
* @param self stored linked list from contract
* @return uint256 the median
function median(List storage self) internal view returns (uint256) {
uint256 elements = self.size;
if (elements % 2 == 0) {
uint256 node = self.nodeAt(elements / 2 - 1);
return Math.average(self.values[node], self.values[self.links[node]]);
} else {
return self.values[self.nodeAt(elements / 2)];
// File: contracts/interfaces/RateOracle.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.12;
@dev Defines the interface of a standard Diaspore RCN Oracle,
The contract should also implement it's ERC165 interface: 0xa265d8e0
@notice Each oracle can only support one currency
@author Agustin Aguilar
contract RateOracle {
uint256 public constant VERSION = 5;
bytes4 internal constant RATE_ORACLE_INTERFACE = 0xa265d8e0;
3 or 4 letters symbol of the currency, Ej: ETH
function symbol() external view returns (string memory);
Descriptive name of the currency, Ej: Ethereum
function name() external view returns (string memory);
The number of decimals of the currency represented by this Oracle,
it should be the most common number of decimal places
function decimals() external view returns (uint256);
The base token on which the sample is returned
should be the RCN Token address.
function token() external view returns (address);
The currency symbol encoded on a UTF-8 Hex
function currency() external view returns (bytes32);
The name of the Individual or Company in charge of this Oracle
function maintainer() external view returns (string memory);
Returns the url where the oracle exposes a valid "oracleData" if needed
function url() external view returns (string memory);
Returns a sample on how many token() are equals to how many currency()
function readSample(bytes calldata _data) external view returns (uint256 _tokens, uint256 _equivalent);
// File: contracts/interfaces/PausedProvider.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.12;
interface PausedProvider {
function isPaused() external view returns (bool);
// File: contracts/commons/Pausable.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.12;
contract Pausable is Ownable {
mapping(address => bool) public canPause;
bool public paused;
event Paused();
event Started();
event CanPause(address _pauser, bool _enabled);
function setPauser(address _pauser, bool _enabled) external onlyOwner {
canPause[_pauser] = _enabled;
emit CanPause(_pauser, _enabled);
function pause() external {
require(!paused, "already paused");
msg.sender == _owner ||
"not authorized to pause"
paused = true;
emit Paused();
function start() external onlyOwner {
require(paused, "not paused");
paused = false;
emit Started();
// File: contracts/utils/StringUtils.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.12;
library StringUtils {
function toBytes32(string memory _a) internal pure returns (bytes32 b) {
require(bytes(_a).length <= 32, "string too long");
assembly {
let bi := mul(mload(_a), 8)
b := and(mload(add(_a, 32)), shl(sub(256, bi), sub(exp(2, bi), 1)))
// File: contracts/MultiSourceOracle.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.12;
contract MultiSourceOracle is RateOracle, Ownable, Pausable {
using SortedList for SortedList.List;
using StringUtils for string;
uint256 public constant BASE = 10 ** 36;
mapping(address => bool) public isSigner;
mapping(address => string) public nameOfSigner;
mapping(string => address) public signerWithName;
SortedList.List private list;
RateOracle public upgrade;
PausedProvider public pausedProvider;
string private isymbol;
string private iname;
uint256 private idecimals;
address private itoken;
bytes32 private icurrency;
string private imaintainer;
string memory _symbol,
string memory _name,
uint256 _decimals,
address _token,
string memory _maintainer
) public {
// Create legacy bytes32 currency
bytes32 currency = _symbol.toBytes32();
// Save Oracle metadata
isymbol = _symbol;
iname = _name;
idecimals = _decimals;
itoken = _token;
icurrency = currency;
imaintainer = _maintainer;
pausedProvider = PausedProvider(msg.sender);
function providedBy(address _signer) external view returns (uint256) {
return list.get(uint256(_signer));
* @return metadata, 3 or 4 letter symbol of the currency provided by this oracle
* (ej: ARS)
* @notice Defined by the RCN RateOracle interface
function symbol() external view returns (string memory) {
return isymbol;
* @return metadata, full name of the currency provided by this oracle
* (ej: Argentine Peso)
* @notice Defined by the RCN RateOracle interface
function name() external view returns (string memory) {
return iname;
* @return metadata, decimals to express the common denomination
* of the currency provided by this oracle
* @notice Defined by the RCN RateOracle interface
function decimals() external view returns (uint256) {
return idecimals;
* @return metadata, token address of the currency provided by this oracle
* @notice Defined by the RCN RateOracle interface
function token() external view returns (address) {
return itoken;
* @return metadata, bytes32 code of the currency provided by this oracle
* @notice Defined by the RCN RateOracle interface
function currency() external view returns (bytes32) {
return icurrency;
* @return metadata, human readable name of the entity maintainer of this oracle
* @notice Defined by the RCN RateOracle interface
function maintainer() external view returns (string memory) {
return imaintainer;
* @dev Returns the URL required to retrieve the auxiliary data
* as specified by the RateOracle spec, no auxiliary data is required
* so it returns an empty string.
* @return An empty string, because the auxiliary data is not required
* @notice Defined by the RCN RateOracle interface
function url() external view returns (string memory) {
return "";
* @dev Updates the medatada of the oracle
* @param _name Name of the oracle currency
* @param _decimals Decimals for the common representation of the currency
* @param _maintainer Name of the maintainer entity of the Oracle
function setMetadata(
string calldata _name,
uint256 _decimals,
string calldata _maintainer
) external onlyOwner {
iname = _name;
idecimals = _decimals;
imaintainer = _maintainer;
* @dev Updates the Oracle contract, all subsequent calls to `readSample` will be forwareded to `_upgrade`
* @param _upgrade Contract address of the new updated oracle
* @notice If the `upgrade` address is set to the address `0` the Oracle is considered not upgraded
function setUpgrade(RateOracle _upgrade) external onlyOwner {
upgrade = _upgrade;
* @dev Adds a `_signer` who is going to be able to provide a new rate
* @param _signer Address of the signer
* @param _name Metadata - Human readable name of the signer
function addSigner(address _signer, string calldata _name) external onlyOwner {
require(!isSigner[_signer], "signer already defined");
require(signerWithName[_name] == address(0), "name already in use");
require(bytes(_name).length > 0, "name can't be empty");
isSigner[_signer] = true;
signerWithName[_name] = _signer;
nameOfSigner[_signer] = _name;
* @dev Updates the `_name` metadata of a given `_signer`
* @param _signer Address of the signer
* @param _name Metadata - Human readable name of the signer
function setName(address _signer, string calldata _name) external onlyOwner {
require(isSigner[_signer], "signer not defined");
require(signerWithName[_name] == address(0), "name already in use");
require(bytes(_name).length > 0, "name can't be empty");
string memory oldName = nameOfSigner[_signer];
signerWithName[oldName] = address(0);
signerWithName[_name] = _signer;
nameOfSigner[_signer] = _name;
* @dev Removes an existing `_signer`, removing any provided rate
* @param _signer Address of the signer
function removeSigner(address _signer) external onlyOwner {
require(isSigner[_signer], "address is not a signer");
string memory signerName = nameOfSigner[_signer];
isSigner[_signer] = false;
signerWithName[signerName] = address(0);
nameOfSigner[_signer] = "";
// Only remove from list if it provided a value
if (list.exists[uint256(_signer)]) {
* @dev Provides a `_rate` for a given `_signer`
* @param _signer Address of the signer who is providing the rate
* @param _rate Rate to be provided
* @notice This method can only be called by the Owner and not by the signer
* this is intended to allow the `OracleFactory.sol` to provide multiple rates
* on a single call. The `OracleFactory.sol` contract has the responsability of
* validating the signer address.
function provide(address _signer, uint256 _rate) external onlyOwner {
require(isSigner[_signer], "signer not valid");
require(_rate != 0, "rate can't be zero");
list.set(uint256(_signer), _rate);
* @dev Reads the rate provided by the Oracle
* this being the median of the last rate provided by each signer
* @param _oracleData Oracle auxiliar data defined in the RCN Oracle spec
* not used for this oracle, but forwarded in case of upgrade.
* @return `_equivalent` is the median of the values provided by the signer
* `_tokens` are equivalent to `_equivalent` in the currency of the Oracle
function readSample(bytes memory _oracleData) public view returns (uint256 _tokens, uint256 _equivalent) {
// Check if paused
require(!paused && !pausedProvider.isPaused(), "contract paused");
// Check if Oracle contract has been upgraded
RateOracle _upgrade = upgrade;
if (address(_upgrade) != address(0)) {
return _upgrade.readSample(_oracleData);
// Tokens is always base
_tokens = BASE;
_equivalent = list.median();
* @dev Reads the rate provided by the Oracle
* this being the median of the last rate provided by each signer
* @return `_equivalent` is the median of the values provided by the signer
* `_tokens` are equivalent to `_equivalent` in the currency of the Oracle
* @notice This Oracle accepts reading the sample without auxiliary data
function readSample() external view returns (uint256 _tokens, uint256 _equivalent) {
(_tokens, _equivalent) = readSample(new bytes(0));
// File: contracts/OracleFactory.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.12;
contract OracleFactory is Ownable, Pausable, PausedProvider {
mapping(string => address) public symbolToOracle;
mapping(address => string) public oracleToSymbol;
event NewOracle(
string _symbol,
address _oracle,
string _name,
uint256 _decimals,
address _token,
string _maintainer
event Upgraded(
address indexed _oracle,
address _new
event AddSigner(
address indexed _oracle,
address _signer,
string _name
event RemoveSigner(
address indexed _oracle,
address _signer
event UpdateSignerName(
address indexed _oracle,
address _signer,
string _newName
event UpdatedMetadata(
address indexed _oracle,
string _name,
uint256 _decimals,
string _maintainer
event Provide(
address indexed _oracle,
address _signer,
uint256 _rate
event OraclePaused(
address indexed _oracle,
address _pauser
event OracleStarted(
address indexed _oracle
* @dev Creates a new Oracle contract for a given `_symbol`
* @param _symbol metadata symbol for the currency of the oracle to create
* @param _name metadata name for the currency of the oracle
* @param _decimals metadata number of decimals to express the common denomination of the currency
* @param _token metadata token address of the currency
* (if the currency has no token, it should be the address 0)
* @param _maintainer metadata maintener human readable name
* @notice Only one oracle by symbol can be created
function newOracle(
string calldata _symbol,
string calldata _name,
uint256 _decimals,
address _token,
string calldata _maintainer
) external onlyOwner {
// Check for duplicated oracles
require(symbolToOracle[_symbol] == address(0), "Oracle already exists");
// Create oracle contract
MultiSourceOracle oracle = new MultiSourceOracle(
// Sanity check new oracle
assert(bytes(oracleToSymbol[address(oracle)]).length == 0);
// Save Oracle in registry
symbolToOracle[_symbol] = address(oracle);
oracleToSymbol[address(oracle)] = _symbol;
// Emit events
emit NewOracle(
* @return true if the Oracle ecosystem is paused
* @notice Used by PausedProvided and readed by the Oracles on each `readSample()`
function isPaused() external view returns (bool) {
return paused;
* @dev Adds a `_signer` to a given `_oracle`
* @param _oracle Address of the oracle on which add the `_signer`
* @param _signer Address of the signer to be added
* @param _name Human readable metadata name of the `_signer`
* @notice Acts as a proxy of `_oracle.addSigner`
function addSigner(address _oracle, address _signer, string calldata _name) external onlyOwner {
MultiSourceOracle(_oracle).addSigner(_signer, _name);
emit AddSigner(_oracle, _signer, _name);
* @dev Adds a `_signer` to multiple `_oracles`
* @param _oracles List of oracles on which add the `_signer`
* @param _signer Address of the signer to be added
* @param _name Human readable metadata name of the `_signer`
* @notice Acts as a proxy for all the `_oracles` `_oracle.addSigner`
function addSignerToOracles(
address[] calldata _oracles,
address _signer,
string calldata _name
) external onlyOwner {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _oracles.length; i++) {
address oracle = _oracles[i];
MultiSourceOracle(oracle).addSigner(_signer, _name);
emit AddSigner(oracle, _signer, _name);
* @dev Updates the `_name` of a given `_signer`@`_oracle`
* @param _oracle Address of the oracle on which the `_signer` it's found
* @param _signer Address of the signer to be updated
* @param _name Human readable metadata name of the `_signer`
* @notice Acts as a proxy of `_oracle.setName`
function setName(address _oracle, address _signer, string calldata _name) external onlyOwner {
MultiSourceOracle(_oracle).setName(_signer, _name);
emit UpdateSignerName(
* @dev Removes a `_signer` to a given `_oracle`
* @param _oracle Address of the oracle on which remove the `_signer`
* @param _signer Address of the signer to be removed
* @notice Acts as a proxy of `_oracle.removeSigner`
function removeSigner(address _oracle, address _signer) external onlyOwner {
emit RemoveSigner(_oracle, _signer);
* @dev Removes a `_signer` from multiple `_oracles`
* @param _oracles List of oracles on which remove the `_signer`
* @param _signer Address of the signer to be removed
* @notice Acts as a proxy for all the `_oracles` `_oracle.removeSigner`
function removeSignerFromOracles(
address[] calldata _oracles,
address _signer
) external onlyOwner {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _oracles.length; i++) {
address oracle = _oracles[i];
emit RemoveSigner(oracle, _signer);
* @dev Provides a `_rate` for a given `_oracle`, msg.sener becomes the `signer`
* @param _oracle Address of the oracle on which provide the rate
* @param _rate Rate to be provided
* @notice Acts as a proxy of `_oracle.provide`, using the parameter `msg.sender` as signer
function provide(address _oracle, uint256 _rate) external {
MultiSourceOracle(_oracle).provide(msg.sender, _rate);
emit Provide(_oracle, msg.sender, _rate);
* @dev Provides multiple rates for a set of oracles, with the same signer
* msg.sender becomes the signer for all the provides
* @param _oracles List of oracles to provide a rate for
* @param _rates List of rates to provide
* @notice Acts as a proxy for multiples `_oracle.provide`, using the parameter `msg.sender` as signer
function provideMultiple(
address[] calldata _oracles,
uint256[] calldata _rates
) external {
uint256 length = _oracles.length;
require(length == _rates.length, "arrays should have the same size");
for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) {
address oracle = _oracles[i];
uint256 rate = _rates[i];
MultiSourceOracle(oracle).provide(msg.sender, rate);
emit Provide(oracle, msg.sender, rate);
* @dev Updates the Oracle contract, all subsequent calls to `readSample` will be forwareded to `_upgrade`
* @param _oracle oracle address to be upgraded
* @param _upgrade contract address of the new updated oracle
* @notice Acts as a proxy of `_oracle.setUpgrade`
function setUpgrade(address _oracle, address _upgrade) external onlyOwner {
emit Upgraded(_oracle, _upgrade);
* @dev Pauses the given `_oracle`
* @param _oracle oracle address to be paused
* @notice Acts as a proxy of `_oracle.pause`
function pauseOracle(address _oracle) external {
canPause[msg.sender] ||
msg.sender == _owner,
"not authorized to pause"
emit OraclePaused(_oracle, msg.sender);
* @dev Starts the given `_oracle`
* @param _oracle oracle address to be started
* @notice Acts as a proxy of `_oracle.start`
function startOracle(address _oracle) external onlyOwner {
emit OracleStarted(_oracle);
* @dev Updates the medatada of the oracle
* @param _oracle oracle address to update its metadata
* @param _name Name of the oracle currency
* @param _decimals Decimals for the common representation of the currency
* @param _maintainer Name of the maintainer entity of the Oracle
* @notice Acts as a proxy of `_oracle.setMetadata`
function setMetadata(
address _oracle,
string calldata _name,
uint256 _decimals,
string calldata _maintainer
) external onlyOwner {
emit UpdatedMetadata(
"compilationTarget": {
"OracleFactory.sol": "OracleFactory"
"evmVersion": "petersburg",
"libraries": {},
"optimizer": {
"enabled": true,
"runs": 200
"remappings": []